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 Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.

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2 posters

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Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty
PostSubject: Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.   Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty8/4/2010, 10:13 am

If our current category headings don't seem to cover what you want to talk about, we can easily add new categories so please let us know.
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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.   Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty8/25/2010, 9:41 am

I think we could use a stand-alone category for research topics of the kind Anne discusses in the thread titled "Correlations between Supramundane Paths".

Edited to clarify, Anne's post is fine where it is, too. But I'm thinking it would be great to have a academically-oriented category geared toward research of this type.
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Posts : 44
Join date : 2010-09-13
Location : Scotland

Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.   Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty12/31/2014, 5:59 pm

Hello I just wanted to post a request for a notifications of death and dying members of the sangha. Lately I've been feeling as if there's ghosts in my flat and I'm worried it's maybe someone I've not met properly, if that makes any sense to others.

This evening I've got the strangest feeling that someone has passed on and I don't know who it might be yet, all I know is I feel curiously different whilst being in the same place in Scotland. It's actually quite scary in case there was no chance to meet this person in time.

I hope this may be a helpful suggestion and I apologise for my poor memory for names.
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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.   Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty1/1/2015, 9:58 am

Hi Sianabelle -  thanks for your suggestion, I think it would be helpful. Some people have put threads titled "In Memoriam" under the Keeping in Touch category, but they can be hard to find after awhile and that category title doesn't really match up well.

How are you feeling today, with being in your flat?  I have not had the experience you describe but I've had other things that made me frightened to be in the house, on occasion. It is hard.

I'm not in touch with current OBC people anymore so not sure if there is news of people who have died or are near death.  Those who visit Bright Moon might have heard something -

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PostSubject: Re: Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.   Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us. Empty

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Have an idea for a new forum category? Please tell us.
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