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 Speaking for ourselves on the forum

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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Speaking for ourselves on the forum Empty
PostSubject: Speaking for ourselves on the forum   Speaking for ourselves on the forum Empty5/27/2010, 8:13 pm

Hi to all forum Members and Guests,

I need to let you know that, going forward, I feel it's best if I don't post anyone's thoughts or messages here except my own. I have, a couple of times, relayed messages and questions from people who want to participate but aren't ready to make their own posts. I thought I was helping and that it should be okay, but it doesn't feel right to me at this point.

I do respect where everybody is at, in terms of their readiness to speak. Some of us don't have an issue with commenting publicly on the OBC but others carry a lot of fear. I hope the fear subsides in time and they can find a voice here if they want it. Just to clarify, I have no curiosity about the real identity of posters or their status with the OBC. So long as discussions are civil, everyone is welcome.

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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Speaking for ourselves on the forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Speaking for ourselves on the forum   Speaking for ourselves on the forum Empty8/25/2010, 11:45 am

just giving this a bump --
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