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 Best birthday wishes Kozan

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Stan Giko
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PostSubject: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/28/2011, 9:57 pm

Happy birthday Kozan

I hope I've got this date right Kozan. May your 22,630th spin of the earth be one of peace, freedom and celebration.

Cheers as always
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/28/2011, 10:42 pm

Howard, so much for my keeping a low profile ;-)

Yes, the date is correct--and the year is correct. Birth date: Oct 28, 1949.

As of today, 62 years old: 365 days/year x 62 years = 22,630 earth-axis spins.

Thank you my friend; and cheers to you!
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/29/2011, 12:33 am

Aw, you could have told us it's your birthday, it isn't as if we could drag you out to an Applebee's and make you listen to the waitstaff singing and clapping Smile

Happy birthday, friend! May you have many more happy axis-spins Best  birthday wishes Kozan 370252
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/29/2011, 12:45 am

How did Howard ferret it out? An instance of the zafu whisperings?

Kozan, have a wonderful rest of the day - oof, just made it under the wire. How useful the Earth has time zones! Arrow
Pull your ears for good luck.

A big hug, Kiddo! I love you
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/29/2011, 12:54 am

have a nice day and good wishes from over the seas
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Stan Giko

Stan Giko

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Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/29/2011, 6:23 am

Happy Birthday to you Kozan

I didn`t know you were so young ! I hope you have a great day.

Best wishes and......keep them coming.

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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/29/2011, 9:55 am

Dear Kozan,

Happy Belated Birthday! All the best to you.

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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 1:16 am

Lise, Ol'ga, Michael, Stan, and Mokuan (and Howard, again)--my grateful thanks for your best wishes! This is far beyond what my low-profile self anticipated when I woke up yesterday morning!!

Lise, thank you! It is so funny that some of us are reluctant to post or to recognize our birthdates! Now that I can highly recommend the experience of doing so--perhaps we can convince MOKUAN, MICHAEL, and ISAN (to mention only a few), that we would all love to know when their birthdays are as well!

Ol'ga, thank you so much! My day was, indeed, wonderful. I suspect that Howard noticed date-of-birth on my Skype Profile. (What was I thinking when I included my birthdate??) ;-)

Michael, thank you, and much appreciated!

Stan, thank you! It was a wonderful day. I have no explanation for it, but I seem to be getting younger every year! ;-)

Dear Mokuan, thank you so much for your best wishes; and, they are not belated at all, since my very wise grandmother taught me that birthdays should be celebrated for an entire week! Speaking of which--we still don't know when your birthday is!!! I mention this with full sympathy and understanding--and in recognition of the fact that you are our most ardent supporter and celebrator of everyone else's birthday!!

I am, of course, utterly shameless in pointing this out to you, given my own history of birthday-concealment!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 7:01 am


Kozan I will willing exchange my birthdate for the promised video of one singing dancing lady down at the ol kareoke bar

In the meantime for all sentient beings I am 42
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 10:56 am

Kozan ,Good then - thanks to your grandmother,
i'm not too late to wish you a happy birthday , a very happy one, Best wishes Nicky .
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 4:35 pm

Hi Kozan,

I'm in total agreement that birthdays, like all major holidays, should be celebrated for at least a week. I will change my birthday status ASAP.

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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 10:23 pm

Quote :
Yes, the date is correct--and the year is correct. Birth date: Oct 28, 1949.

As of today, 62 years old: 365 days/year x 62 years = 22,630 earth-axis spins.

Not to be pedantic (he he,Best  birthday wishes Kozan 105298 ) but you missed out the 15 leap years; so since I'm a couple of days late, but still within the week, a very happy 22,630 + 15 + 2 = 22,647 earth-axis spins cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 11:40 pm

Initially I publicized my dob on the forum; then I thought, why should the whole world know that only Mark here is slightly more over the hill than I am, so I took it off. But then, when my big day drew closer, I thought - why deprive myself of being feted as the birthday girl - and you guys didn't disappoint.

I have only a few days left to enjoy my age being the exact mirror image of Howard's. Our very own Zafu Pilot's birthday is coming up, and if he did not live in that faraway city that might anytime slide into the ocean, I'd bring him a box of chocs...

...as I would to Kozan, too, who is probably also in danger of being swept into the ocean. What cheerful thoughts! I bet I'm breaking some forum rule or other.
Ol'ga the Cassandra
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/30/2011, 11:47 pm

Mark--the LEAP YEARS (smacks palm to forehead)...of course! And, thank you. That's why us generalists need those who also specialize, to remind us of the details!!!

Mokuan, YAY!!! Now I have to change mine as well. (I won't even mention Michael and Isan here, since they might feel under some kind of pressure--though I can't imagine why!) ;-)

Nicky, thank you so much! Just between you and me, I celebrate every day of my life through my passion for developing design; in my perception, you clearly seem to do the same with your art--and your drawings and paintings show it!

Michael, no pressure here! I'm looking forward to that video as well!! So, you're 42? No worries; my grandmother would approve. She lived well into her 8th decade--and yet, by her own admission, never exceeded 39 years of age! (I finally came to realize that her identification with 39 years of age wasn't denial, it was her unique way of affirming that she (truly) lived her life in the present moment.)
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/31/2011, 12:08 am

Ol'ga, thank you for your (tentative) offer of chocolate!

Although Sonoma county is a coastal county in California, I live far enough inland, and high enough above sea level (unlike Howard in Vancouver) that when the coast slides into the sea, I will (I figure) be living on ocean-front property!

So, feel free to visit any time!

And, not to worry, no Forum rule breakage here. In fact, I would say that by it's nature, it is a Cassandra-friendly Forum!

(For anyone perplexed by our Cassandra references, a quick web search will prove illuminating).
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/31/2011, 2:36 am

Mokuan, as I was perusing past postings just now (as I am wont to do from time to time, in the wee hours of the evening), I happened, perchance, upon your forum topic posting to Polly, on the occasion of her birthday.

You posted it way back, on March 28th of this year (2011), in honor of her birthday (on March 29th). In her grateful reply, she observed that it was also your birthday as well!! I had completely forgotten this!

So much for my photographic memory! ;-)
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/31/2011, 3:43 am

Hey Kozan

I happen to have the only avatar here that's fashion prepped for the big one. besides..The domicile at sea level you remember from last time has now been swapped for one a couple of hundred feet higher up so I'm still hoping for dry toes at the end of the day.

Ol'ga..If you find yourselves in da hood, before the big one, I have spare life jackets to lounge in for anyone bearing bon bons.

Cheers all
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/31/2011, 9:02 am

Howard - how could you have missed O'lga's avatar! Showing that she will have no need of a life jacket and the new post big one look.
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty10/31/2011, 11:17 pm

Happy birthday to all of you -- the secret birthday people and the ones who have outed their age! I would love to have a big party here in Seattle and invite all of you to show up in person. Wouldn't it be fun to see what everyone really looks like and sounds like when they talk? Would we have a terrific party or would we sit around in embarrassed silence? Do we require semi-anonymity to sound off or would we joke and argue just as we do when we're hidden behind our computers? Anyway, happy birthday to all -- everyone has one, after all!
PS to the Americans -- Happy Halloween as well!
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/14/2012, 2:01 am

Thank you Carol!--and only a year (plus) late, on my part, in responding to your post!!

I will take you up on the gathering in Seattle (almost) anytime! Having spent 13 years of my life there, I'm due for a return visit!
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/16/2012, 6:33 pm

I heard that ten years or so ago Peter Norton hosted a get-together of the former monks at a hotel in Portland. Interesting thought . . .

We might get Josh on a plane and the folks in Canada on a train. But how are we going to get the Brits to cross the ocean?
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/16/2012, 10:40 pm

Yes Good Idea, I'll ask Anne to do the catering for our over the ocean cousins
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/16/2012, 11:59 pm

Good question, Carol! Maybe we could split the difference?

My Irish cousins visited last month, and mentioned that it was five hours of travel time, by plane, from Ireland to the east coast of the US. It is four hours of travel time by air, for me (in California) to visit my family in Chicago. It would be another hour and a half for me to continue on to the east coast.

The upshot is that the UK is closer to the east coast of the US, than the west coast of the US is to its east coast!
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/17/2012, 6:42 am

Continuing our much loved (and greatly demanded) 12 th century zen stories, sayings, and koans, here is another story of our hapless friend Shi Zu.
Shi Zu who had been working on the koan of limitless time and space,formally approached Master Ko Zan whilst he was seated on the Crane Seat in the Sodo of the Emperors personal temple.
After several full prostrations Shi Zu shouted out ' If birth and death are the illusions of human transitory existence How can the Master celebrate 2 birthdays at the same time'
The Whole Sodo was quiet, Master Ko Zan sat quietly and asked 'Do you have 2 presents for me?'
Quick as a flash Shi Zu understood his koan and bellowed back 'Here is your present'
With that Master Ko zan experienced deep enlightenment and remained motionless in the forth dyanic samadhi for 107 years and 3 months. His disciples were not best pleased as they, due to strict protocol, had to remain seated throughout.
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Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/18/2012, 11:53 pm

So if we have a transcontinental gathering of the OBCC clan, do we have to bring presents? Do we have to sit for 107 years and 3 months?
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PostSubject: Re: Best birthday wishes Kozan   Best  birthday wishes Kozan Empty11/19/2012, 1:07 am

HAHA, Carol!!

No birthdays or presents; no need to sit for 107 years and 3 months!

It's way simpler than that--as Chisan points out!

I think that we should go with what you propose. And yes, I mean this seriously!.

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