Thank you so much for the gifts. I can't wait to receive them and will be heading down to the docks in a few weeks to wait for the steamer.
I'm thinking the sourthern route is the steamer's best option at this point unless the captain is following an ice breaker, in which case he can take the nothern route over the North Pole through the Beaufort Sea, around passed Alaska etc.
But just to make sure he finds me okay, have the captain take a right after he's through the Panama Canal; have him head north for thousands of miles. When he crosses the 45th Parallel have him slow down and watch out for signs that say Columbia River exit. He'll turn right at that exit. He doesn't have to go too far up the Columbia before he'll see the Steamer dock. I'll be wearing a red hat, so he won't miss me. If however the captain sees signs for the Strait of Juan De Fuca, he's gone too far. He'll either have to turn around or go on to Vancouver BC and drop my wonderful presents off at Howard's house. I haven't written to Howard yet, but I'm sure it won't be a problem, and then Howard can get in his kayak and paddle down here.
I can hardly wait. Thank you so much.