Carol and Maizie, thank you both for your comments. And my apologies for my (all too typical) delay in response!
Tom Kirwan is indeed leading the organization for a lay sangha weekend gathering in the UK on March 27th and 28th, 2015. Tom has been away for the last two weeks, so ongoing planning has slowed down a bit.
Enida and I have been reflecting on the possibilities for a US counterpart, which we are both enthusiastic about.
The dilemma, and one which everyone here can help all of us with, is the question about what form such a gathering might best take for those of us in the western hemisphere!
Enida and I would be quite happy with a gathering for both former and current OBC practitioners, simultaneously. Given our perspectives, we don't seem to see any contradiction in this!
At the same time, I think that we both fully appreciate the fact that some people may only want a reunion of former members, and some may only want a gathering of current practitioners.
Because I/we don't want to short change either group, I would tend to propose a default approach of two events:
1. A reunion.
2. A gathering.
If they can be merged, all the better (IMO).