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 California fires

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Posts : 101
Join date : 2012-07-25
Age : 79
Location : Terrace, B.C. Canada

California fires Empty
PostSubject: California fires   California fires Empty7/30/2018, 2:05 pm

Have been trying to find out whether Shasta Abbey is safe - the local news here in British Columbia shows images of complete devastation in Shasta County.     Gassho to everyone.     Myozen Nine Bows
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Posts : 692
Join date : 2010-03-06
Age : 74
Location : Sonoma County CA

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty7/30/2018, 2:25 pm

Myozen, wonderful to see you here!

Yes, Shasta Abbey is currently safe from direct wildfire threat.

The Carr Fire--the major fire in the region--is just west of Redding, currently at 98,724 acres, still growing, and only 20% contained. It is about 60 miles south and west of Shasta Abbey.
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Posts : 101
Join date : 2012-07-25
Age : 79
Location : Terrace, B.C. Canada

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty7/30/2018, 2:38 pm

Wonderful to see you, too, Kozan!     Thank you - it is a relief to hear that Shasta Abbey is safe amidst media news of all the tragic devastation.   Also always worry about the animals.     We are battling with wild fires here in B.C. as well - even up here in the northwest of the province the skies are very smoky.     Please take good care of yourself during the heat wave.     Gassho and best regards, my friend!
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Posts : 692
Join date : 2010-03-06
Age : 74
Location : Sonoma County CA

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty7/31/2018, 4:58 pm

Myozen, thank you for your kind thoughts!

My sympathy with you, for the wildfires in your region. We had a severe wildfire here in Sonoma County last year. This year, so far so good in terms of both moderate temperatures and minimal wildfire.

Of course, North America and the planet are experiencing increasingly extreme weather-related events now as climate change accelerates.

In gassho, and best to you as well!
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Posts : 933
Join date : 2010-07-27
Location : California

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty7/31/2018, 5:37 pm

Information about wild fire in California:


Specific map of the Redding/Shasta area:


Mt Shasta is a good distance away, but it must be nerve racking nonetheless for the folks up there.
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Posts : 101
Join date : 2012-07-25
Age : 79
Location : Terrace, B.C. Canada

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty8/1/2018, 11:21 pm

Thank you, Isan.
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Posts : 609
Join date : 2010-11-14
Age : 81
Location : Bedfordshire, UK

California fires Empty
PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty8/18/2018, 5:35 am

Not that anyone could see it coming...
California fires 0c6b2510[/url]

Emisions are over ten times what they were in 1912 so you can collapse centuries to decades.

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PostSubject: Re: California fires   California fires Empty

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