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Join date : 2013-04-21

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PostSubject: post deleted   post deleted Empty4/21/2013, 12:50 pm

nevermind. thank you. post deleted 485545

Last edited by LotusKindfulness on 4/21/2013, 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2010-06-27
Age : 69
Location : Vancouver

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PostSubject: Re: post deleted   post deleted Empty4/21/2013, 1:58 pm

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The boundaries between a teacher & student can get blurry but

since you can hardly swing a cat without hitting someone who well educated in the Dharma, I think you should just leave & find yourself another teacher. Like yesterday.

It not about giving him another chance. It's that a teacher with your best interests at heart would want you to try another teacher unless he was snared by his own intentions.

If this arousal disappears with a new teacher then you can just continue on without such a confusing complication to a beginning practise.

If it arises in the same way for a new teacher then either you are choosing similar types of teachers or this arousal is actually about you. Either way, choosing a new teacher will provide you with very useful info to move forward with.

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