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 Video: Peter Matthiessen on transmission, lineage, etc

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Video:  Peter Matthiessen on transmission, lineage, etc Empty
PostSubject: Video: Peter Matthiessen on transmission, lineage, etc   Video:  Peter Matthiessen on transmission, lineage, etc Empty11/3/2012, 10:27 pm


I thought it might be useful to share this video discussion on transmission, lineage, etc. Some of it is quite insightful and so much less rigid than the Shasta / Kennett view of things. In the interview, I think there is still too much acceptance of the Zen mythology, but the discussion is more down to earth and at the same time very respectful and grateful to the tradition and the succession of teachers. You can be deeply grateful and connected without any need to believe in fantasies, illusions, the mythology of the "unbroken lineage" and so on. All unnecessary beliefs.

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Video: Peter Matthiessen on transmission, lineage, etc
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