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 New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan

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PostSubject: New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan   New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan Empty7/8/2011, 12:36 am

Dogen's Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries

Eihei Dogen

Nishiari Bokusan (Commentary), Shohaku Okamura (Commentary), Shunryu Suzuki (Commentary), Uchiyama Kosho (Commentary), Sojun Mel Weitsman (Commentary), Kazuaki Tanahasi (Commentary), Michael Wenger (Commentary)

One of the greatest religious practitioners and philosophers of the East, Eihei Dogen Zenji (1200–1253) is today thought of as the founder of the Soto school of Zen. A deep thinker and writer, he was deeply involved in monastic methods and in integrating Zen realization into daily life. At times The Shobogenzo was profoundly difficult, and he worked on it over his entire life, revising and expanding, producing a book that is today thought to be one of the highest manifestations of Buddhist thought ever produced. Dogen’s Genjo Koan is the first chapter in that book, and for many followers it might be thought to contain the gist of Dogen’s work—it is one of the groundwork texts of Zen Buddhism, standing easily alongside The Diamond Sutra, The Heart Sutra, and a small handful of others.

Our unique edition of Dogen’s Genjo Koan (Actualization of Reality) contains three separate translations and several commentaries by a wide variety of Zen masters. Nishiari Bokusan, Shohaku Okamura, Shunryu Suzuki, Kosho Uchiyama. Sojun Mel Weitsman, Kazuaki Tanahashi, and Dairyu Michael Wenger all have contributed to our presentation of this remarkable work. There can be no doubt that understanding and integrating this text will have a profound effect on anyone’s life and practice.

List Price: $26.00 from Amazon.com
Price: $16.52 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime
You Save: $9.48 (36%)

This title has not yet been released. Will be coming out in August in the U.S.
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Posts : 1640
Join date : 2010-11-17

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PostSubject: Re: New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan   New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan Empty7/8/2011, 1:54 am

Look forward to it
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Join date : 2011-06-11

New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan   New Book on Dogen's Genjokoan Empty7/10/2011, 1:01 pm

Thanks, Josh. I'm a great fan of Uchiyama Kosho and I look forward to seeing what he had to say. His book on Dogen's instructions for the chief cook, Refining Your Life (Weatherhill, 1983) is a wonderful book and a very helpful take on Dogen, whom I frequently find utterly impenetrable.

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