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 Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)

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Age : 74
Location : Edmonton, Canada

Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty
PostSubject: Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)   Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty12/28/2010, 1:29 pm

By request Smile ... the first two are acoustic and the last one is electric and the banjo sounds like a Fender Telecaster playing against Fogerty's tyrannosaur Gibson Les Paul. The electric banjo comes in at about the 40 second mark. I point this out as many folks have sent me notes saying, "I can't hear the banjo", to which I reply, "oh yes you can." Very Happy




Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) 370252
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Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)   Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty12/28/2010, 5:39 pm


I just had to get up and start dancing.

Thanks so much for the CCR.

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Posts : 110
Join date : 2010-11-05
Age : 74
Location : Edmonton, Canada

Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)   Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty12/28/2010, 5:48 pm

mokuan wrote:

I just had to get up and start dancing.

Thanks so much for the CCR.


You're very welcome. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)   Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR) Empty

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Some cyberjams with John Fogerty (CCR)
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