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 Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov

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Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov Empty
PostSubject: Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov   Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov Empty9/19/2014, 5:05 pm

September 15, 2014

Tricycle Talks: Andrew Holecek, The Good Death

A conversation with Tibetan Buddhist teacher Andrew Holecek

Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov Holecek_podcast_360_0

Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov 1011itunesTricycle Talks: Now in iTunes

In this episode of Tricycle Talks, Tricycle founding editor Helen Tworkov speaks with the Tibetan Buddhist teacher and writer Andrew Holecek about how to prepare for what he calls the “once in a lifetime opportunity” of death and dying. Holecek, who hosted a Tricycle Retreat on the subject, explains how the practices that ensure a peaceful death are vital to a well-lived life. His latest book is Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.

Tricycle Talks is a podcast series featuring leading voices in the contemporary Buddhist word. 


You can stream the talk free on line - through the link above or via iTunes or

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Tricycle Talks - Podcast with Andrew Holecek - the Good Death - discussion with Helen Tworkov
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