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 CBS News Documentary - "Modern Masters of Religion" - 30 Minutes

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CBS News Documentary - "Modern Masters of Religion" - 30 Minutes Empty
PostSubject: CBS News Documentary - "Modern Masters of Religion" - 30 Minutes   CBS News Documentary - "Modern Masters of Religion" - 30 Minutes Empty7/1/2014, 10:48 am

This is a 30-minute documentary produced by CBS News which then distributes it to local television stations.  It is very well made and profiles three "modern masters" - Thomas Merton (mostly through an interview with Fr. James Martin, a lovely Jesuit priest who I know), the 16th Karmapa (interviewing Lama Surya Das mostly), and Karen Armstrong.  I don't know if you are able to watch this video outside the U.S.  It will air on local CBS stations in July, but just as simple to watch it on the web.

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CBS News Documentary - "Modern Masters of Religion" - 30 Minutes
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