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 The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper - Kindle book

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The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper - Kindle book Empty
PostSubject: The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper - Kindle book   The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper - Kindle book Empty6/15/2014, 5:55 pm

New Kindle book - from amazon.com.  Not in print.  The essays in this collection are all available on the web, but the kindle book is only $1.25.

The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper
Publication Date: June 10, 2014
This is a collection of essays written over the course of three years, and previously published on blogs or in an online journal. The essays are part of an attempt to reconsider Buddhism as it begins to grow in the western world. The title of the book is the title of Tom Pepper’s blog, and refers to the attempt to be “faithful” to what he considers the core truths of Buddhist thought.

Although these essays are mostly available on the internet, this collection was put together to make them more easily available in a convenient format, and without the expense and waste of printing the more than 250 pages of texts collected here.

It is the author's hope that those who have been interested in the projects that generated these essays will find in them some inspiration to continue and expand the critical exploration of Buddhist thought that is barely begun here.

Blog - http://faithfulbuddhist.com/

I have not yet skimmed or read most of his essays.  Tom is clearly an independent critical thinker on Buddhist issues and provocative.  I share this in the spirit of open discussion and debate.
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The Faithful Buddhist by Tom Pepper - Kindle book
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