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 funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of

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Age : 74
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funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty5/29/2014, 4:59 pm

iamsuper -

1 day ago - CLICK ON "ENLARGE THIS IMAGE" - to see the piece

funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of A_524_20140528165906
See more by the incredible David Thorne on his absolutely hilarious web site here: http://27bslash6.com/
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Location : Scotland

funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: Re: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty8/6/2014, 1:23 pm

Sorry the print is too small to read without clicking on the link.
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Age : 75
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funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: Re: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty8/6/2014, 1:38 pm

Sianabelle, if instead of clicking on the link above, you click on "Enlarge this image" you will be able to read it without leaving the thread.
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Location : Scotland

funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: Re: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty8/6/2014, 1:49 pm

Sure it's not a virus?
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Posts : 1620
Join date : 2010-11-13
Age : 74
Location : New York, NY

funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: Re: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty8/6/2014, 1:58 pm

not a virus....
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funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty
PostSubject: Re: funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of   funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of Empty

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funny religious humor - not for those who easily offended when religion is made fun of
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