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 Throssel Hole lay sangha website coming soon

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Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

Throssel Hole lay sangha website coming soon Empty
PostSubject: Throssel Hole lay sangha website coming soon   Throssel Hole lay sangha website coming soon Empty10/1/2010, 11:21 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm told there is a website to be started soon by the Throssel Hole sangha, at RM Daishin Morgan's suggestion. I haven't heard when it will be functional or how to join, but I expect RM Daishin could provide more information. He is a member of this forum and you can send him a message if you like.

If anyone hears of the Shasta sangha doing something similar, I'm happy to post those details as well.

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Throssel Hole lay sangha website coming soon
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