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Stan Giko
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H Enida

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PostSubject: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/1/2013, 4:43 pm

First topic message reminder :

Hello all,

I would like to open up a topic here to get people's input.  It has to do with the giving and receiving of mudras.

Before I came to the monastery, and was having intense meditation experiences, I was given Rev. Master Jiyu's "Book of Life."  I read it and asked questions about my own experience in relation to the book's suggestions for mudras, and it was suggested I do certain ones to cleanse past life karma.  

Many monks did mudras at the monastery, and some would have regular sessions with RM Eko in his lounge if difficult karma was arising.  Monks would also do them on each other and themselves.

I had two particularly disturbing experiences with mudras.  Once, a monk was asked to do mudras on me and I could feel her negative karma so intensely I had to shower for half an hour afterwards trying to cleanse myself.  The second was done by the abbot and his disciple that he eventually left with while I was at the hermitage with them.  It was creepy and weird, almost like their stuff between them was moving through me.  

I have studied jin shin jyutsu for awhile and believe it is helpful to break up physical and emotional knots.  The mudras I experienced were on a different level and I believe can be spiritually harming, especially if a monk doesn't have the training or knowledge about their power and 
personal effect.

How have others experienced this?
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H Enida

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 11:44 am

When performing Jin Shin on someone else, you can literally feel the current of their energy in your fingertips as you jumper cable to different points.  When you become sensitive to it, you can feel the flow’s disharmony kind of like a sporadic electric current and when it becomes harmonized you can feel the flow become fluid and consistent.  You can also feel different levels of energy.  You can call it chi, or energy or water of the spirit, or many other names, as Josh describes above.

I could feel other’s energy harmonize through me as well, both while giving and receiving.  Sometimes I could not tell the difference between my energy or the other’s energy, although I could feel my body was separate, if that makes sense.  When having them done on me I could feel the flow through the particular meridian being jumper cabled, and would feel the harmonization when it occurred. 

By trying to describe this, I am hoping to make the point that if framed in a ‘spiritual’ context, all kinds of interpretations of what is happening could be made, depending on the intention.  Jin Shin makes you vulnerable and open in my experience.  I believe it would very easy to twist that openness into any number of personal whimsies, i.e.: “You healed me!”  “I healed you!” “You are healed!” “We have shared past life karma.”  “We are consorts.” “You have difficult karma.” etc. etc. etc.

That being said, I believe Jin Shin is pure but like anything is subject to misinterpretation and misuse, particularly because you are so vulnerable.  That is why the Jin Shin Jyutsu organization is so adamant about training people to be neutral and not making assumptions about what is going on with it - just do the work and let the patient discern for themselves whether it helped or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:15 pm

Jcbaran wrote:

A few other things about Jin Shin.  It came through a woman who did healing work on Kennett.  I forget her name - but she shared the basic flows / patterns with us... but what we learned i think was kind of Jin Shin lite.  We did not learn the full system, we never learned how to take pulses or diagnosis - as they do in traditional Jin Shin - which is borrowed from acupuncture.  And Kennett changed the names of everything because she was very concerned that Shasta could be sued for practicing healing / medicine without a license, so she didn't want the system to appear to be physical healing - but a spiritual healing or a spiritual practice - which was protected by religious freedom.  So she changed all the language and inserted her strong views into the whole shebang.

That being said, I like Jin Shin.  I like Shiatsu.  I don't know how healing these practices are, but it might be helpful on some level.  And if I have subtle experiences during a session, that is my business - and it might be fun to explore what happened like you would a dream - not seeing it as "true" but as some reflection of my psyche / mind... there might be some insight to be gained... or maybe not.  Things arise and pass.
I can't remember if JK worked with directly Mary Burmeister or one of her students.  When JK came back and introduced JSJ to the community she didn't go into the back story about how she became aware of it.  I believe you and Gensho were with her in the Bay area that summer and maybe can remember more.


I actually still have the original workbook that was copied and distributed at SA when JK came back from the Bay Area in 1976.  The book is fairly complete in terms of flows,  and includes a section about pulse reading, though you're correct that JK didn't incorporate that diagnostic technique.  I had never heard that she was concerned about "practicing medicine without a license" and that that was part of her motivation for creating the Book Of Life mudra system. In retrospect it seems more like she wanted to "spiritualize" the system (not that it needed it) and also give Daizui a project :-)

I also remember Saul who seemed like a really nice guy.  Jk took me along a couple of times when she went to visit him in the Bay area.  I also remember attending the Sufi Fair once or twice, and staying overnight in one of the Sufi meditation centers - we just threw our sleeping bags down on the carpet.  It must have been before the Oakland Priory was established because typically we all stayed there when we traveled down (just a little reminiscing here...)
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:23 pm

No, Kennett never met Mary Burmeister - it was one of her students.  There are many more flows and self-help techniques in Jin Shin.  Yes, I was in the bay area the whole time that Kennett was going through all her stuff and having Jin Shin - i was there for every minute of it - or so it seemed.

I remember clearly the whole discussion of practicing medicine without a license and the concern that no one had any kind of certification to do body work. Kennett was actually quite worried about it for awhile - i think she even had someone called a lawyer or two about it.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:30 pm

H Enida wrote:

By trying to describe this, I am hoping to make the point that if framed in a ‘spiritual’ context, all kinds of interpretations of what is happening could be made, depending on the intention.  Jin Shin makes you vulnerable and open in my experience.  I believe it would very easy to twist that openness into any number of personal whimsies, i.e.: “You healed me!”  “I healed you!” “You are healed!” “We have shared past life karma.”  “We are consorts.” “You have difficult karma.” etc. etc. etc.

That being said, I believe Jin Shin is pure but like anything is subject to misinterpretation and misuse, particularly because you are so vulnerable.  That is why the Jin Shin Jyutsu organization is so adamant about training people to be neutral and not making assumptions about what is going on with it - just do the work and let the patient discern for themselves whether it helped or not.
Couldn't agree more.  It is one of the cornerstones of talk therapy that the therapist not interpret the client's story, but simply help the client become more aware of the story and come to their own understandings.  The same applies to techniques like Jin Shin where there's likely to be discussion about the meaning of experiences.  There's a very human need to quantify everything and we're not comfortable with just "holding" things without knowing, but that's zazen :-)

By the way, nice (and precise) description of the JSJ internal process.

Last edited by Isan on 12/6/2013, 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:40 pm

key point.  Most of life is MYSTERY.  We don't know hardly anything.  I don't think we even know why the sky is blue.  Most of the processes of our bodies and minds take place out of conscious awareness - probably 99.99%.  Why does someone get dementia?  You can tell any story you want about that - past karma, past lives, demonic possession, blocked chakras, imbalance in your kidney and liver, trauma from your childhood, cursed by God, black magic from your neighbor,  let alone the more physical explanations - environmental pollution, chemicals in our food, vaccinations.  But what's the reality?  We don't know.  No idea.  We might find out years from now through scientific research about genes and brain function.  Does telling a story help the situation?  Well, if you are so uncomfortable living in the "don't know mind" - living in mystery, then i guess you need some story, so you find one that makes you calmer. 

I have seen this a lot.  Many people must "know" - even when it's impossible - but they must, so they create the narratives.  It becomes a kind of psychopathology - and we see it in the gurus and psychics who tell you what's what, who believe their thoughts and imaginings as divine sight, folks who need to be in control.
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H Sophia

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:42 pm

Hi everyone,

I remember reading that there was a rule at Throssel that Jin Shin Jitsyu would not be performed on one monastic by a monastic of the opposite sex.  You can look at a chart of the points and see that even through clothing it could appear to be inappropriate and could cause a physical reaction if one was sexually attracted to the person touching the points. 

It did become inappropriate with the Abbot and at least two people of the opposite sex that I know about.  However, I don't think there is any need for concern about the current practices at the Abbey because RM Meian never allowed anyone to perform it on her and if she allows it at all at the Abbey now, I am confident there are requirements that it be done in very proper circumstances only.

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H Sophia

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 12:53 pm

In answer to the white noise question.  When Enida and I were chaplains, Eko did not do sanzen, jin shin jitsyu, or anything, in a room with a person of the opposite sex with the curtains closed or the door to his living room closed.  He placed a small white noise maker in the doorway and turned it on.  That way the person he was talking to could speak about personal subjects without worrying that they were being overheard by a Chaplain or anyone else in the house.

We could hear talking and see what was going on through the door way, but the person was still insured privacy when they were talking. 

I don't know when he started that practice, but that's the way it was for the time I was there.

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/6/2013, 4:39 pm

H Sophia wrote:

I remember reading that there was a rule at Throssel that Jin Shin Jitsyu would not be performed on one monastic by a monastic of the opposite sex.  You can look at a chart of the points and see that even through clothing it could appear to be inappropriate and could cause a physical reaction if one was sexually attracted to the person touching the points. 
Yes, there are a few points, such as the pubic bone, where it's necessary to exercise extra politeness.  The way it was done when I was at SA was the person administering the flow would mention to the receiver that the next point was more personal and would they please take their hand and place it on the point for them.  This transferred control back to the receiver and was usually enough to eliminate discomfort.  Still, there were some situations when I was giving flows where I opted to simply skip those points.  In my experience the effectiveness of the flow was usually not reduced, but in any case it was more important to put comfort ahead of the technique.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 11:57 am

Jcbaran wrote:
. . .  Many people must "know" - even when it's impossible - but they must, so they create the narratives.  It becomes a kind of psychopathology - and we see it in the gurus and psychics who tell you what's what, who believe their thoughts and imaginings as divine sight, folks who need to be in control.
I think people with complementary needs for a certain type of narrative tend to fiind each other and then they recognise they have found someone to give them what they need (whether it's the guru or the follower in the giving or taking role).

Enida's reference in her post above to someone telling someone else "we are consorts" is so similar to what I heard directly from a woman who seems to have been quite an Eko groupie at one time.  This must be more than three years ago - I was having lunch with her and she told me quite a bit about her connection to Michael Little, and the various revelations he had shown to her. I recall this clearly - she said Little told her she had been his "concubine" in previous lives. At the time I thought she might well be fantasizing, embellishing, who knows what -  I mean, it was almost beyond belief that a male monk could have any good reason to tell a female lay person that "she" (meaning this person right in front of him) had been a sexual servant to him, basically, in a previous life. Now I'm starting to think maybe she did hear this from him, if Enida knows of persons who were told they had been a "consort" of the monk doing the mudras.

What about souls not retaining individuality after death? How can any person have been someone else's concubine or consort in a past life? Doesn't that sort of shoot holes all through this business of "no self" and nothing being left but karmic jangles, after the skandas disintegrate?

It's unfortunate that people can't resist inflicting their own weirdness onto what could be just a simple and helpful type of therapy, and turning it into something twisted.

This is just messed up.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 12:22 pm


Yes I agree with you Lise.
That is it , that is what has been passed on
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 1:56 pm

Lise's ...

I think people with complementary needs for a certain type of narrative tend to find each other and then they recognize they have found someone to give them what they need (whether it's the guru or the follower in the giving or taking role).

I loved that truism.
I usually think of a Guru as anyone who helps another, let go of their narrative,
with Zen simply being the attempt of not replacing that dropped narrative with another.

A practice that was incompatible with Jiyu's school.

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Stan Giko

Stan Giko

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 5:48 pm

Lise said,

"I think people with complementary needs for a certain type of narrative tend to find each other and then they recognize they have found someone to give them what they need"

It sounds absolutely universal to me.  Where does that not apply ? Everyone seems to have their
"narrative" as Howard put it and yes, a real Guru or teacher should help one let go of one`s
narrative and not replace it with another.  Everyone wants to feel in control...it`s the life of the
Ego.  It holds good for the worldly life and the so called `spiritual` life equally.

Although there is the good and true in training at Shasta, there is also an equal amount of delusion,
tightly knit with it.  It causes confusion and more false narrative.  Instead of dropping `false views`
at the monastery, new one`s are taken up because of a delusory common narrative.  Whatever
the story is, it`s not Buddhism as the Buddha taught it.

The `Lotus Blossom` teachings were based on a fantasy...one of many enlightenment myths that
have been around for centuries.  It is based on the story that one has to clean up (?) one`s
past karma in order to attain Enlightenment.  First the coarse defilements of this life and then on to
past lives to find the root cause of suffering.  This she taught is the way to liberation for the
individual who has been experiencing suffering all this time.   The trouble is, when Buddhist teaching
is investigated, it is found that Liberation is not for the individual...and his/her narrative, but FROM
the individual.  The individual will never be perfect or `fixed`.  It is the identification with the
individual that is the problem and hence the `No self` or rather, separate self teachings became
necessary . 
Jiyu`s story of cleaning up her karma in this life and then past lives..including the white tiger life,
were just that. A story.  If karma exists, and there are past lives, then we are already living the
karma of the past lives. there is no need to regress back to find the origin of the results....we are
living them now and they are our psychology.

The whole past life story is neither helpful nor necessary. At most it can offer a bit of inspiration
and hope that one`s training isn`t lost if death comes before Liberation.  It can also lead to total
delusion and take one far away from the `path`.

I recall an occasion when someone was having the `flows` worked on them and had a particular
reaction and I experienced that same reaction.  Jiyu said that "they must have been together in
the formless realm, to be that close to each other. "  Ok, something without doubt was experienced
by the two of us but ..  The formless realm ?  Where`s that ?  What senses do you use to perceive
something without form ?  It`s just a hopeless romantic delusion....bless her cotton socks !

I feel a lot of sympathy for the folks that passed through the Shasta system. Including Jiyu.  If
anyone`s a victim, then she as a perpetrator is a victim too.  It speaks a lot for most peoples
sincerity that many people managed to get in touch with something real and true in such a
difficult and confusing environment.  Unfortunately, I think it put many people off for life !

As for having been a `concubine` in one of Eko`s past lives...Ha ha... tell me another one !
It`s just a variation of "my wife doesn`t understand me.  you`re so much closer to me than she is.
why don`t we.....etc "   funny sort of zen.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 5:56 pm

Jcbaran wrote:
 I don't think we even know why the sky is blue. 
It's cuz light at the blue/violet end of the spectrum bounces more readily around on the atoms and molecules in our atmosphere (nitrogen, oxygen etc) than light at the red end of the spectrum.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/7/2013, 9:06 pm

Stan said wrote:
If karma exists, and there are past lives, then we are already living the
karma of the past lives. there is no need to regress back to find the origin of the results....we are
living them now and they are our psychology.
Absolutely Stan. The consequences of all we have been and done, and experienced, is all we are now. Deal with that and you have dealt with it all, whether there are past lives or not. As far as we can tell the historic buddha spoke of how to awaken in this life not a future one. The transcendence that he claimed to have experienced was simply to have seen past himself to the real world. Not a special Real World , which is just another story, but his/our ordinary everyday life. Nor did he claim to be perfect, quite the opposite. It is later accretions that have elevated him to to the higher realms of a sanctity which he himself did not profess and said did not exist. We must stand on our own imperfect feet today because we will never be able to stand on them tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/8/2013, 1:27 pm

great points, Stan.  perpetrators are victims too, of their own beliefs.  Kennett also had to always "know" what was going on - and make it clear to everyone.  I think it's much more fun and true not to know, when you really don't - not to try to control everything and everyone when it is impossible.  Also, creates so much stress.

and the concubine statement --- when i was doing Sorting It Out, i talked to dozens - it seemed like hundreds - but that would probably be an exaggeration - of women who had been told something from their gurus/ masters in order to seduce them - in a past life, we were married.. in a past life, we were passionate lovers... there were also lines like - "let me teach you tantra" "let me give you a special initiation that i rarely give," "your lower chakras are blocked and i can open them for you," "you need a special massage."  they couldn't just say - hey, you turn me on - or I want to have sex with you.  No, it couldn't be a conventional human feeling - it had to be spiritualized, inflated, special.  This is part of the need to be special, grand, wondrous.  So when the seduction worked, the women (it was mostly women, but it there was some gay seductions also) were prepped that sex with the guru would be transcendental, extraordinary - a special enlightening experience - and when it wasn't, they still wanted it to be, tried to make it special in their minds, tried to find a piece of the experience that they could paint as enlightening.  Also, sex with the guru was part of surrendering your body and mind - literally - to say no, to resist - was a sign of severe ego attachment, resistance to the divine, holding back, lack of devotion and faith, your killing your guru, etc.  Heard this story many times with many teachers.  sex and the single guru - standard pick-up line.....
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H Enida

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/8/2013, 7:07 pm

Josh - The other aspect of this is “keeping secrets” in our spiritual life.  Of course, the Master would not want to be exposed and one could expect such a teacher might say things like, “No one else would understand,” “This is our special personal karmic stream,” or “If you say something, you will suffer for many lifetimes in the future,” or any other number of spiritual lies, extorting some twisted form of karmic punishment.  It is appalling to me that someone in a spiritually unequal capacity would take advantage of a trusting student in this way.  It would be one thing to say “hey, you turn me on” and, obviously, the student could answer, “you do, or don’t, turn me on” in return (which I still would not condone).  But to use the very essence of a student’s trust and vulnerability of their inner practice and twist their intuitive sense to a teacher’s own use is inexcusable, and can have long-lasting effects on the student – psychologically, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

After the experiences I had at the Abbey and in the Order, I feel very strongly that priests and churches should be held to the same standard as doctors, teachers and counselors when it comes to the power differential that is evident in the student/master relationship – in other words, limit the teacher’s ability to use his power personally over the student in any form, with an ethics policy and unbiased venue for expressing concerns about teachers.  If that doesn't work, then maybe a nice big lawsuit or two would make Buddhist church organizations practice more oversight of their teachers!
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/9/2013, 1:41 am

The main weapon of abusers is to manipulate the victims into silence,the paedophiles say,I will tell your mum,tell your friends, put the pictures on facebook,no one will believe you, I will come back,I will beat you, I will kill you.
The husband and wife beaters say it is all your fault,you made me do it, If you say anything you will destroy the family,the kids will be taken away, I wont do it again,I will do it again,It will be worse next time.
Abuse is abuse
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Stan Giko

Stan Giko

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/9/2013, 7:03 am

Josh, thanks for your kind words.....

This comment of your`s makes so much sense to me.....

 "I think it's much more fun and true not to know, when you really don't - not to try to control everything and everyone when it is impossible.  Also, creates so much stress."

In this world of relativity, we really don`t know anything completely.....including why "the sky is blue" as
you put it.  We didn`t create ourselves and we didn`t create the world around us and on top of that, we
and the world are changing all the time. quite a pickle...no wonder we`re always trying to get a handle
on things !  If this is truly accepted, then we come to realise that we cannot control the Results of our own
actions...none of them.  What worked yesterday, doesn`t work today and we never know what the next
moment will bring. We are not the Creator and we don`t have to take on the Creator`s business.
As you said..."so much stress" that just doesn`t have to be owned any more.  That`s talking from a
position of freedom.  Each day is new and wondrous again and all that comes, is a pure gift.  It`s a benign
Universe and we don`t have to `cover our butts` all the time, anymore. nothing beats a peaceful mind.
I also liked the way you said that it`s much more fun not to know. I just have to laugh.....not everyone
could say that and mean it.

Talking about laughing, one of those `Concubine` chat up lines really tickled me....
" I want to unblock your lower chakras !".......that`s a cracker.  Thing is, I bet somebody`s actually used it !
"Oh Dear.."  as David used to say...
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/9/2013, 7:16 pm

Stan, ahem,

concerning the blue sky, scroll up 6 posts Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/9/2013, 7:23 pm

mstrathern wrote:
Unfortunately I must agree with glorfindel.


I'd say it's a very fortunate agreement.
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Stan Giko

Stan Giko

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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/10/2013, 10:39 am

Hey Glorfindel,

Jcbaran wrote:

" I don't think we even know why the sky is blue. "

Your reply was...

"It's cuz light at the blue/violet end of the spectrum bounces more readily around on the atoms and molecules in our atmosphere (nitrogen, oxygen etc) than light at the red end of the spectrum."

I thought your above comment was said in jest...a wind up to see who bites...knowing how you like
a `jolly jape` or two !
I mentioned Josh`s comment as I think it`s perfectly valid.  I did wonder if you`d pick up on it again
though. :-)

As I agree with Josh`s comment, I was going to reply with yards of logic as to why your reply to him
is invalid.   However, I`m in lazy mood and will just turn your reply back to you in the quickest way I
can think of.

I think you made the point of what `Blue` is or means with the light spectrum analysis. Hence blue
However, Josh didn`t ask `What` but `Why` ? as in " I don`t think we even know why...? `
After all, the sky isn`t always blue.

So I would ask  `WHY does the light at the blue/violet end of the spectrum bounce more readily
around on the atoms and molecules of the atmosphere`  Mr Glorfindel ?  Why ?

It`s the `Momy, momy, where do I come from argument.  Every answer leads to the next question
ad infinitum, which is pretty neat from my point of view.....Ha ha.

It always leads back to " I don`t think we even know WHY the sky is blue.
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PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/10/2013, 6:23 pm

Stan Giko wrote:

So I would ask  `WHY does the light at the blue/violet end of the spectrum bounce more readily
around on the atoms and molecules of the atmosphere`  Mr Glorfindel ?  Why ?

If my memory serves me OK-ish, it's because those blue waves are little and so have a higher frequency. Therefore they will interact with those little tiny molecules more often. The big long red waves are sloooow. Also, the blue waves, being shorter, have higher energy and so scatter with more pizzazz when they do smash into a molecule.

But, I know where you are taking this so I will cut to the chase and preemptively answer your final question in the series:

Stan: "What happened before the Big Bang?"
Glorfindel: I don't know yet. But I do know why the sky is blue."
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Mudras - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mudras   Mudras - Page 2 Empty12/30/2013, 1:25 am

More on Sufi Sam / Sam Lewis - not sure this belongs here, but it relates to Saul, one of Kennett's few outside friends and a person i noted who did "energy healings"  -- 

Samuel L. Lewis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born at the turn of the twentieth century Samuel L. Lewis (October 18, 1896 – January 15, 1971) was an American who became a mystic of the Sufi Chisti order. A student of Inayat Khan he was given the name Ahmed Murad in 1946. Samuel Lewis now Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti or Sufi Sam as he was popularly known devoted his life to peace through action. To this end Sufi Sam worked to develop drought resistant grains, safe organic fertilizers and salt water conversion. [1] Later in his life he was recognized as Murshid the Arabic for "Exalted Teacher". As a spiritual leader he founded the movement: Dances of Universal Peace. The Dances of Universal Peace continue to be practiced and shared by the murids of Sufi Sam, most notably Wali Ali Meyers.

Lewis was born to Jewish parents. Lewis' father Jacob Lewis was a vice president of the Levi Strauss jeans manufacturing company. His mother was Harriett Rosenthal, the daughter of Lenore Rothschild of the international banking family.

To his parents' dismay Lewis showed a keen interest in religion and spirituality from an early age and later rejected their attempts at as business career for him. Lewis studied mathematics at Columbia University in 1916.

In 1919 Lewis entered a Sufi community in Fairfax, California where he met Murshida Rabia Martin a student of Hazrat Inayat Khan an Indian Sufi teacher and musician . A year later he began Zen study with Sogaku Shaku, a disciple of the Rinzai Zen Buddhist Abbot Soyen Shaku. The twin spiritual influences of Sufism and Zen were to remain central throughout his life.

Lewis remained in the Fairfax Sufi community through the early 1920s. In 1923 a vision of Hazrat Inayat Khan leads Lewis into initiation by the Pir-O-Murshid. In 1926 he collaborated with Nyogen Senzaki, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk, in opening the first official Zen meditation hall (zendo) in San Francisco.

Lewis continued to study Sufism and Zen, as well as yoga. He developed an interest in horticulture and promoted seed exchanges internationally.

In 1956, he visited Japan, India, Pakistan and Egypt, seeking the company of other mystics and teachers. In 1960, while visiting Pakistan, he claimed he was publicly recognized as a Murshid by Pir Barkat Ali of the combined Chisti-Qadiri-Sabri[disambiguation needed] orders, founder of Dar ul Ehsan. Following the death of Nyogen Senzaki in 1964 Lewis assumes the position of librarian of the "Mentorgarten". In 1966, he was ordained a "Zen-Shi" (Zen Master) by Korean Zen master Dr. Kyung-Bo Seo.

In 1967, whilst recovering from a heart attack in a hospital Lewis claimed that he heard the voice of god say, "I make you spiritual leader of the hippies." For the remainder of his life Lewis traveled around California developing and teaching the Dances of Universal Peace, which draw on all the spiritual traditions he had encountered. The movement he created continues today in a formal way as Sufi Ruhaniat International, as well as informally through the wide adoption of the Dances of Universal Peace by many other Sufi and non-Sufi groups.

His brother died in 1970. Though Lewis had a strained relationship with his brother through most of his life they finally reconciled six years earlier in 1964.

January 1971 Lewis dies, the result of a fall one month earlier. [2]
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