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 Happy Birthday Nicky

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6 posters

Posts : 609
Join date : 2010-11-14
Age : 81
Location : Bedfordshire, UK

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/10/2013, 7:42 pm

Happy birthday Nicky. Your paintings of the expanses of east coast sea, sky and salt marshes are balm to the soul. I hope the landscapes qive you the same paradoxically desolate comfort they convey to me. They make me want to jump in the car and drive to the coast to drink in the wildness, but I have to make do with Peter Grimes. I loved the disrobing journey too.
Still, have great day and next time your on the shore send my heartl to the sea.
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Posts : 1640
Join date : 2010-11-17

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/11/2013, 5:21 am

A great happy birthday greeting from mark..dont think I can top that so i will just say hope you are good Nicky....But is it today or tomorrow who cares happy birthday
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Age : 50

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/11/2013, 8:18 am

Hi Nicky! All my best, I hope you're off somewhere having fun. hugs and Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Nicky 370252
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Location : West Linn, Oregon

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/12/2013, 12:29 pm

Nicky, I'm so behind on everything.  Hope you had a wonderful time with plenty of cake and ice cream.
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Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/12/2013, 6:08 pm

Happy belated birthday from me as well, Nicky! I hope your day was delightful!!
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Posts : 124
Join date : 2010-08-30
Age : 81
Location : norfolk uk

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/15/2013, 2:57 pm

oh quick quick just seen the lovely moving heart warming greetings , and now im in a hurry ...... yes very unmeditative so i'll return to respond properly , later .
Mark ,
peter grimes is being performed on aldeburgh beach tonight - the singers maybe swallowed by the north sea if the wind takes to the north east - i could have been there for the dress rehearsal but couldnt face hours in the cold  sitting on the wet shingle in a sou'wester .I'm wondering if YOU will be there? 
 love and deep thanks  to all of you Nicky.
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Posts : 609
Join date : 2010-11-14
Age : 81
Location : Bedfordshire, UK

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/17/2013, 8:15 pm

Nicky - I'd forgotten about the Britten Centenary celebrations at Aldeburgh. But I've since seen the pictures in the papers of the production on the beach. I do remember reading about it earlier but we decided against it for much the same reasons as you. But now looking at the pictures I'm not so sure we were right - after all 'hours in the cold  sitting on the wet shingle in a sou'wester ' does seem appropriate for Grimes!.
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Posts : 124
Join date : 2010-08-30
Age : 81
Location : norfolk uk

Happy Birthday Nicky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty6/18/2013, 2:06 am

there doesnt seem to be this space where time and i stop  together   - soon  im catching a train, so my long thank you  to you all wont happen , 
But Mark yes we made a mistake about Peter grimes , i was also irritated  at so much money being given to that , rather than spread between artists who really need it - BUT it was clearly an amazing occasion - the sea ,sunset ,waves ,birds, distant children, a dog barking ,and music and voices in the waves and wind.
And mark thank you what you say about my work , it touched me deeply , there is a but ( of course ) in that i haven't been to my website for a year , for long reasons - maybe more MP reasons - i am still working but its differently approached , and i feel i have to confess, though writing that it looks a bit daft. time over .......
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PostSubject: Re: Happy Birthday Nicky   Happy Birthday Nicky Empty

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