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 White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm

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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/14/2013, 10:06 am

not sure where to post this. This is the statement from the White Plum Asanga, the umbrella organization of teachers in his lineage, about the new head of the organization. The reason I post this is because in their main statement, they openly acknowledge their past issues and problems. They have no authority to discipline any teacher for abuse / misconduct - i think the only thing they can do is revoke their membership or ask them to resign - i think that's what happened with Genpo last year.

I am bolding the key section.

"Roshi Anne Seisen Saunders has been voted in as the President of the White Plum Asanga during its annual meeting in May 2013. She replaces Roshi Gerry Shishin Wick, the 3rd President, who served in that role for 6 years.

Roshi Anne Seisen Saunders is the founder and head teacher of Sweetwater Zen Center. She has been practicing and teaching Zen Buddhism for over 30 years. Seisen was a student of the late Taizan Maezumi Roshi and is a Dharma successor of Roshi Bernie Glassman from whom she also received Inka (Roshi status.)

The White Plum Asanga is an affinity organization of peers in the lineage of Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi, Roshi. The Asanga provides opportunities for amicable association and for sharing common experiences, and a forum through which members can support each other. The Asanga is not a sanctioning or disciplinary organization.

Asanga membership is open to all Dharma Successors in the direct lineage of Maezumi Roshi who are approved by 2/3 of the existing members at the meeting where the proposal for membership is presented. Membership can be revoked upon a vote of a similar percentage of the members as provided in the bylaws.

The White Plum Asanga is a not-for-profit entity organized under the laws of the State of New York.

The White Plum Asanga affirms integrity, honesty, and humility as central to the practice of our Dharma teaching. We affirm non-harming in our relations with all those whom we encounter. We collectively vow to maintain our lineage as a vital branch of the Dharma tree, and to keep it as clear as possible from harmful actions.We also recognize that, from the very root of our lineage, we have experienced misconduct in the areas of sex and alcohol. And, there have been occasions of abuse of power, sex and money in succeeding generations. We express our sincere apology to all those who have been harmed in any way by these actions. We resolve to act affirmatively to transform our collective karma by censure, healing and restitution."
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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: Re: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/14/2013, 10:52 am

Well done,
Personally I felt the direction of ZCLA was not for me,I do not feel you can have unenlightened action by the teacher and enlightened teaching,but that is just me.
I think to come out and say what they say, shows great sign of reflection, and moving on...That to me is the way through,We have all made mistakes,we have all said and done things we regret, Buddhism certainly allows us to see to the heart of the matter,be big,grow up and let it go.
Me too I,m sorry for the mistakes i have made.
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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: Re: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/15/2013, 1:27 am

I think you're right, Michael. When I was young, my best friend was Catholic. They teach that the sacraments are effective even if performed by a drunk or evil priest. I think even a misguided Zen teacher can impart good teaching. Even the hells have their own Buddha, a point I learned from the strange tableau they used to have on display at Shasta.
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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: Re: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/15/2013, 2:24 am

Your post carol had Ikko Roshi's words ringing in my ears. When i was discussing,some of what we have talked of here, he said 'It is very difficult sometimes to say what is good, or bad zen'
I remember a story of Deshimaru Roshi when he was in Japan he felt that the disciplinarian was being a bit free with the kyusak with him,and one time Deshimaru turned round grabbed the kyusak and had a go back ,and ended up chasing the disciplinarian through the zendo and into the Masters room, When Deshimaru entered the room with kyusak raised,The Master put one finger up in the air and said 'Good Zen' and also threw Deshimaru out the Temple for breaking the rules. I personally don't have a problem with that.
Personally I have learnt something from many different situations,and one can learn from abusive situations,but that does not make them right. i wonder sometimes what we have learnt from zen in the west,there have been very few people who have stood up and said ,sorry this is the wrong direction, and very few teachers who have said.I can not teach the final stages of zazen as I have not reached there,however I am continuing my practice and you can join in.
So personally I do not like to see 'crazy teachers' I without doubt did benefit from my connection with Kennett,and I was so fortunate to form connections in Japan and be able to deepen my meditation there.
So this statement from the Sanga is positive,it returns to humility and drops the absurd fallacy that any particular teacher has reached the end of the road, or has all the answers
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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: Re: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/15/2013, 2:44 am

I don't like to see crazy teachers either, but even fools and crazy people can sometimes speak truth.
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White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty
PostSubject: Re: White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm   White Plum Asanga - statement and acknowledgment of harm Empty5/15/2013, 3:46 am

There's hope for you and me then Carol!
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