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 From the Moth storytelling organization

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Age : 73
Location : New York, NY

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/11/2013, 11:58 am


The Moth -- themoth.org - is a wonderful storytelling community - they host many events not only in New York City, but around the U.S. all the stories told must be true and performed without notes. There is The Moth Radio Hour - which is broadcast on many public radio stations - and i think its easy to find on-line through various web radio services -- and you can get their podcasts free on iTunes.

So here is a link to a short story - under seven minutes - a very funny and moving story about a young man meeting a Tibetan lama, a trip he takes with his friend and the Lama, and a moment of insight.

When you click on the link, there is a small icon next to Jack Hannibal's name - just click on that and the audio will start playing.
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Posts : 364
Join date : 2009-11-10

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/14/2013, 1:34 am

Josh, thanks for posting the jack Hannibal piece. I loved it!

By the way, where is everyone? I logged in after a few weeks' absence and find mostly just you on here!

Keep up your good work.
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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/14/2013, 5:13 pm

hi Carol - just speaking for myself, I pop in now and then but am usually content to read, absorb, ponder some thoughts, then go back to my day Smile

I've had a curious sense of relief over the past few months, in thinking less about Shasta Abbey and the OBC, and enjoying life a bit more. I still care about the well-being of people who may get involved there, though, or are in it and struggling. I want OBC Connect to keep doing its job as a source of information and I hope it will serve that function for any person who needs it.

Josh, I enjoyed the link too -- because of you and the fabulous things you post, I've survived many a tedious afternoon in the office - sort of like this one today From the Moth storytelling organization 683495
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Posts : 364
Join date : 2009-11-10

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/15/2013, 2:38 am

I also have stopped thinking much about Shasta, Lise, although NorthCascades still nags at me. I now think of OBCC more as a spiritual resource. The years of meditation and thinking representd here and yes, even the taking on and taking off the robes of monks, have made the contributors on this forum a source of wisdom. To say nothing of himor and a few great arguments.

I appreciate the conversation very much and, once again, thank you Lise for organizing it.

The purpose seems to have changed, which is just fine. I wish more people would write. Of course, I'm no one to talk, having not said much for several weeks. Anyway, thanks to everyone for creating this intriguing conversation. I have learned volumes and have radically changed my thinking from angry-betrayed-former-true-believer to open-ended-wonder-what's-coming-next.
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maisie field

Posts : 77
Join date : 2012-08-13

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/15/2013, 3:01 pm

I sort of get the feeling that a lot of contributors have done a lot of good work,clearing the decks,saying what needed to be said,and maybe a quite natural lull has occurred.
For me,this site is a great resource.It is a place where I can discuss,or see discussed,issues which are important to me.There isn't any other place quite like it.
The archive both of live discussion and of articles blogs etc.,is a great treasure!
Yes,a good conversation,and a use of the internet.People being thoughtful,and caring passionately about their training.
This conversation helps me put my relationship with OBC into perspective.
I feel I have friends here.
Love your descrition of yourself Carol!
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From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/15/2013, 5:49 pm

maisie field wrote:
I sort of get the feeling that a lot of contributors have done a lot of good work,clearing the decks,saying what needed to be said,and maybe a quite natural lull has occurred.

Let me just add a word of affirmation, as infrequent as my visits to this site have become at present, there was a period where the processing that I did regarding my own tenure as a Shasta Abbey devotee and as an OBC lay minister was invaluable in helping me to claim the gold of that part of my journey while relinquishing the dross. My son's cremated remains are buried in the cemetery at Shasta Abbey, so in that respect I shall always have that bond with the place and continue to wish those who reside there the blessings of good life and practice. But past injuries and confusions have become past and largely put to rest for me. (which is a darn good thing because at my age I really can't afford to waste time and energy with unfinished business) And this site and its participants have been of great assistance in this healing. Many bows to all!
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Posts : 364
Join date : 2009-11-10

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/16/2013, 3:09 am

Thank you, Bill and Maisie. It's good to know I'm not just talking to the ions or whatever makes the Internet work out there. Also thanks to Josh for the flow of articles. When the piece came out in the NY Times, I thought, "oh, I already know about that!"
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Posts : 217
Join date : 2010-12-03

From the Moth storytelling organization Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Moth storytelling organization   From the Moth storytelling organization Empty2/19/2013, 12:46 am

Nicely stated Bill, and Carol, perhaps everyone is a bit overcome by weariness, the winter blues, or whatever. I very much appreciated this forum, reading of all the different experiences, posts, mulling over my own stuff. Someone once old me, time ago, not to mess with religion, (not quite in those words) and I thought yeah, yeah, what do you know, but really, what did I think I knew?

It occurred to me the other day that the stress and intensity of leaving a religious practice is much like what has been described as PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. which is experienced by soldiers after the conflict of war. Monks know this and therefore, no matter how many difficulties may be encountered would most often rather prefer to deal with those rather than dealing with the aftermath of leaving, although sometimes there is not much choice.

In all of lifes experiences there is something to be learned, much of it the hard way, and even if we're unable to make much sense out of it at the moment, it may make a lot of sense later on, it may take some time. Speaking strictly for myself, I would have to say that for me one of the greatest teachings, which curiously I only took a much more serious look at after I left my practice, is that of Dependent Origination. If reflected upon very carefully it is an excellent explanation, an assurance and a guide. So, whereever we happen find ourselves at the moment, we're there because that's where we're supposed to be, at least for the moment, for a very definite reason.

Hopefully the forum will continue, if only to serve as a resource for some that may be thinking about committing themselves to a religious practice, of any sort, and to be aware what they may encounter along the way and be affected thereby.

Gasshos to all

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