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 Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen

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Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty
PostSubject: Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen   Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty2/20/2012, 1:48 am

From the Buddha's Dhammapada

(freely translated by Stephen Mitchell)

Mind creates the world;
what you see arises with your thoughts.
If you speak and act with a confused mind,
trouble will follow you as certainly
as a cart follows the ox that pulls it.

Mind creates the world;
what you see arises with your thoughts.
If you speak and act with a clear mind,
happiness will follow you as certainly
as your own shadow in sunlight.

"It’s his fault." "She shouldn’t have done that."
Believe such thoughts, and you live in resentment.

"It’s his fault." "She shouldn’t have done that."
Question such thoughts, and you live in freedom.

Anger teaches anger.
Fear results in more fear.
Only understanding can lead to peace.
This is the ancient law.
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Age : 81
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Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen   Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty2/20/2012, 9:53 pm

Lovely Josh, I always loved the Dhammapada though I have not come across this pelucid translation before. Everywhere you look you can uncover gentle works and individuals pointing you to freedom. But it can be difficult not to get snared by those trying to overshadow them by loudly selling colourfull and enticing wares that promise the exotic but only entrap.
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Age : 74
Location : New York, NY

Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen   Dhammapada - first verse from my friend stephen Empty2/20/2012, 10:03 pm

this is from my friend Stephen Mitchell who studied Korean Zen for quite a long time and has translated many works including the Tao te Ching. This is clearly a very free translation of the first verse of the Dhammapada. Stephen is married to Byron Katie - who is the person who developed this form of inquiry that uses four questions to challenge your thinking -- and that's where he gets the phrase "question such thoughts and you live in freedom" - that's pure Byron Katie, not precisely the Buddha, but very good poetry and insight nonetheless.
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