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 Deleting accounts

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Deleting accounts Empty
PostSubject: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/3/2012, 11:29 am

How does one go about deleting ones account including all posts that one has made? I have recently noticed that the edit option for posts has a time limit.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/3/2012, 2:43 pm

Hello Glorfindel,

I don't know, but that's an interesting request.

Why do you want to exit and delete everything you've ever written? Have you had an epiphany of some sort? Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/3/2012, 9:30 pm

Hi Mokuan

I think I've finished here now and, ninja style, I'd like to disappear in a puff of smoke. You might catch a glimpse of me sliding up and away on my kaginawa.

It should be possible to make a complete wipe. Even on the evil facebook it is possible to wipe everything (although it takes two weeks to complete).

the ninja smiles as he watches the google adwords quota for the keyword kaginawa increase exponentially
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/3/2012, 11:17 pm

hi Glorfindel -- except for someone's Introductory thread, the policy is not to delete posts except those that violate the rules so much that editing can't fix them. If people were allowed to delete all their posts, this could destroy much of the informational value of what's been posted here, and we cannot afford to lose the coherence/continuity of information exchange. At least not while SA is still in the mode of "bury the problems and let the band play on" . . .
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/3/2012, 11:58 pm

Hey Glorfindel.

Does that mean you also want your secret white on white messages in your postings deleted?

We will all puff away eventually whether we want to or not, but common dude, that's not even your own name up there.

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/4/2012, 10:57 am

Yes, who is the mysterious Glory and why does he want the drama of such an exit? Rather than disappear in a puff of smoke, with your desire for total erasure, you have solidified your tracks like bronzed baby shoes that would have slipped with anonymity into the dustbin of history as will all our posts (I've rather mixed my metaphors I'm afraid). I must admit this request is out of the character you have so boldly portrayed here. I am with Mokuan: Do tell. Only not slyly as you had replied with Mokuan; your reply did not have the ring of truth. If you are to disappear, let it be with a final post of honesty, as was characteristic of your posts during your rather lengthy stay here. Otherwise, not only will your posts not be erased, but they will be enshrined, reformatted to glow in bright gold font. (Administrators, please take note).
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/4/2012, 1:30 pm

ok lise, thanks for the response. I always expected myself to edit out my posts at some point. In all the other forums I use the Edit option does not mysteriously vanish. Very tricksy. Can I change the colour of all my text? (joke).

Howard, again you gain credibility points for your observational powers. Are you enlightened? I know i've not used my real name (never on the internet) but my enemies can easily identify me from my posts.

Mokuan thankyou for your inquisitiveness. Its sweet that a person can't say anything here without people checking that they are ok or generally showing interest in what might be going on for them. I like that.

Henry I am undaunted by your threat of enshrinement. If it occurred, 1000 ninjas would DOS-cripple obc connect. There was more honesty in my post than you think. I would like to just disappear. All ideas and thoughts are transient so I don't want thoughts that I expressed here to become fossilized as though there is a person (glorfindel) who thinks and believes a load of stuff that was actually just a moment's splurge of verbiage. Another thing, as I said above, my enemies can identify me through the things I have written. Finally, I have been removing myself from the internet. I started by deleting my facebook(evil) account. I like the idea of having no publicly available footprints. For a while at least.

So to sum up, no I haven't experienced a life changing event! Although I have definitely noticed some kind of change that has happened to me. But I don't know if that influenced my wish for deletion. I've made my noise and am concerned with the fact the echoes (Ekos?) continue.

Just to be clear: I didn't get a call from a shady monk hypnotizing me to extract myself from obc connect.

what made you decide to highlight it?
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Deleting accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/4/2012, 3:06 pm

DOS cripple? If I don't even know what that means it's probably worse than I think. I'm impressed, as I have the feeling that, if not 1000, at least a few ninjas could accomplish your goal. Just wanted to let you know that I'll miss your presence here and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and journeys.

If you'd be so kind (I will not be so foolish as to threaten), before you depart, I'm curious about two things: 1) why the erasure from the internet? and 2) why is facebook evil? I am not on facebook but have suspected it is quite evil. Perhaps you can elucidate the details a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/4/2012, 4:00 pm

PS this wasn't meant as what law enforcement agencies are after you, but more along the lines of what you see about the internet that would make you want to leave no tracks on it. If your reasons are more personal, I'll retract my question.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/4/2012, 4:05 pm

Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for the good luck. Maybe that blessing will lift my curse (I'm demonstrably unlucky).

A DOS-cripple would be a denial of service attack: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack

Of course I was only kidding about that Wink

About erasing myself from the internet. That could sound worrying so I better say I'm not suicidal! But I noticed an effect that having all those bits of myself scattered around in cyber space was having. It affects my emotions in a very subtle way. I know all you buddhist ish types would probably say I could let go of the feeling but I dont believe it's entirely possible. When some part of me is aware that people continue to be affected in some way by actions of mine (typing) that have become petrified in cyberspace. It's a very subtle feeling: like being in a buzzing cloud of almost invisible flies. Probably the best answer I can give is to say "I feel like it."

FACEBOOK "it isnt about sharing, its about collecting(user data)"

Face book is evil for many reasons. It all has to be seen in the context of how addicted the masses are to it. Most people I know not only wouldn't give it up, they actually couldnt give it up. It has become the core activity of their lives. All their communication and sharing is done through it. For a lot of people facebook IS the internet. Soon people will be browsing the internet from facebook. Add to this the fact that facebook owns all the data you post on facebook. Every picture, message, comment, private message is stored permanently. They make it difficult for the data to be removed. To get rid of any of it you have to completely wipe the account (which takes a few weeks). Facebook users are not its customers, they are its product. Facebook makes money by selling it's product's (its users) data to interested parties (advertisers, and I personally doubt they wouldnt sell it to governments, police etc; and anyway they keep changing their privacy rules so who knows what will happen there). There are facebook apps designed to fish info from people. Facebook knows what everyone likes; what they like alot, what they like a bit and what they dislike. It knows the connections that different people have with each other based on different common interests. It knows who your brother or sister-in-law is. It knows if you dont want to be known as the brother in law of someone who wants to be known as your sister in law. It will easily work out which school you went to. In short facebook is a big map of everyone. A map of their interests and their varying connections with each other. Thats a potentially dangerous map to be held by an organisation that has consistently been red flagged by ethical watchdogs.

I could probably express that better but Im kinda weary

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/5/2012, 12:30 am

Hey Glorfindel

Maybe it would just be easier to pay the child support. OK ..bad joke.

Everything we do touches everyone else. The most common delusion is the belief that we are individuals with identifiable boundary's and the ability to cut ourselves off from anything.

Zen meditation is simply that truth.

My daughter throws that little parental teaching back at me on skype when I worry about her wandering about from village to village in India.

Maybe one day that would be a great teaching for your kid to be able to toss back at you.

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/5/2012, 5:06 am

Howard wrote:

Everything we do touches everyone else. The most common delusion is the belief that we are individuals with identifiable boundary's and the ability to cut ourselves off from anything.

I was going to preemptively answer that in my last post but decided not to. Reassess my use of the word "petrified" in the last post. Usually actions affect someone and then we are affected by the fact we affected someone. But then the action stops directly affecting people. It is gone. (of course the effects of the action continue, but that's a different issue).

The actions I have made that have the defined subtle effect on me are the ones which continue to affect new people all the time due to them being "permanently" present.

person A passes someone and says "hello,"
Person B stands on a street corner and says "hello" to everyone that passes.

Person B has said hello to more people.

I think a cyber-purge is worthwhile every now and then.

And yea I would never expect my little girl to be anything other than a teacher since she has "the will of the wild birds" (to quote a bit of Yeats). I hope yours stays safe in India and happy. My girlfriend spent most of her adult life wandering around india off her face on psychadelics and euphoriants. She popped in to see tha Dalai lama but thought all the spiritual stuff was stuck up. Sometimes she didn't phone her parents for four months. Now she is a sober mum who would happily breastfeed until the child is twenty, who phones her parents every day and whose biggest vice is her cup of warm water in the morning!
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/5/2012, 11:08 am


I can appreciate your feelings on erasing your presence for the reasons you've stated. It doesn't appear un Buddhist ish to me. I will, however, be sending a copy of your post to Buddhist Central Command to get a confirmation on that. Unfortunately, your post will now be enshrined on some of the most secure servers on the planet, where your 1000 ninjas will be powerless to keep your post from being held for eternity. Given this sorry state of affairs, I'd like to offer you some consolation: Those that you most respect and you care most about are the one's most likely to let you change your mind with little or no harrassment. As for those affected by your words (or actions) that you may no longer believe in yourself....we're kinda all stuck with that, all day, every day, everywhere we go. Acceptance of your humanity and flaws really does go a long way with dealing with those uncomfortable residual feelings. That ain't Buddhist, it's just how it is. If you've got a better solution, hit me with it. I'd like something easier myself. Hope this all doesn't sound too pompous; otherwise I'll have to edit it out.

PS I know given all I've said, erasing your tracks might still be the best solution for you. But if you can't, I just thought a reminder of a good fallback position might help.

Thanks for the info about Facebook. I've always felt uncomfortable about that myself.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/5/2012, 2:51 pm

Everything we do touches everyone else. The most common delusion is the belief that we are individuals with identifiable boundary's and the ability to cut ourselves off from anything.

Perhaps you are not suitable material for the collective.. Assimilation worth is in question.

Drop the moniker, steer clear of all keyboards and perhaps you can hide.

Wave at the satelite if you accept our terms.


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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/12/2012, 11:40 pm

Glory, we will miss your bright picture and your insight. I hope your girlfriend (ex-girlfriend?) and the baby are well and happy. I hope everyone's child is safe wandering from village to village in India. Perhaps you too will wander in a distant land and we'll see you in the stars. Good luck and (sadly) goodby!
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/16/2012, 1:07 pm

Thanks Henry and Howard. Of course you are right: we have to accept the Bad Beats and avoid going on tilt. Anyway there is no escaping the fact that my quiet slipping away has become a goodbye thread right at the top of the whole forum.... funny

Carol wrote:

Aaaw sorry to disappoint you Carol but I'm still with her. If I become available at a later date I will let you know wink And the same applies to all my other suitors on OBCC.

Carol wrote:
Perhaps you too will wander in a distant land and we'll see you in the stars. Good luck and (sadly) goodby!

On a clear night look out of your windows at the faint star between Cassiopea and The Plough. Our eyes can all meet at the North Star.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty1/16/2012, 8:36 pm

Au revoir, votre frere, et bon voyage. Merci pour votre sagesse.

(J'accept: le Facebook est mal.)

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty2/4/2012, 3:18 pm

:-) Cheerio and good be with you, Glo (-:
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/10/2012, 5:03 pm

Thanks guys. But it looks like I will stick around a bit. (You will have to put up with me coz you all helped make me sanghaless Smile )

There was another child coming and it made me want to give up the internet. The child is here now and I don't want to give up the internet after all.

It's another girl. Now there is Freya and Astrid. Two small meteors have crashed by my feet. What on earth do you do with meteors?.....
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/10/2012, 5:39 pm


What to do with meteors? Celebrate!!
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/10/2012, 8:33 pm

Congratulations, a precious gift. Now you have two (three?) ladies test your limits just as we have you to test ours; and I'm glad your staying.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/10/2012, 9:30 pm

glorfindel wrote:
. . . It's another girl. Now there is Freya and Astrid. Two small meteors have crashed by my feet. What on earth do you do with meteors?.....

When they're on their way down as streaks of light, you make a wish.

When they land at your feet, your wish came true.

Very best to the new arrival, and all in your family sunny
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/11/2012, 3:25 pm

Glory, Glory, Glory,

You're so inconsistent! Are you in or out? Placing your little baby girl above OBC Connect? We'll have to open a new thread on setting priorities. Speaking of priorities---Congratulations!
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/12/2012, 1:49 am

Wow! Congratulations G.
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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/12/2012, 1:16 pm

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!!!

Congratulations, Glorfindel. May all the blessings in the universe be yours and your little girls.

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PostSubject: Re: Deleting accounts   Deleting accounts Empty3/12/2012, 2:07 pm

Thankyou all!

Kozan, yes I did celebrate! I even had some wine which is something I'm not usually into. Out of that shenanigan was born the infamous picture in another thread!

Mark you are right. You wouldn't believe how much my limits were tested during the pregnancy!! (or maybe you would). Anyway I managed to avoid wandering into the wilderness with a hobo stove and spending the rest of my days living in haystacks. I was tempted though. This sweet brother and sister saved me:
It's strange how sometimes random things that you wouldn't normally be into can catch you at the right time and keep you going. I just got the impression that that big brother in the video has utter love for his little sister.

Lise my biggest wish was that Freya would not be heartbroken by the new thing, and she isn't, so yes it came true!!

In or out Henry? That's what I said to the baby when she was being born Smile (not really). I'm on the fence: a highly underrated position!

Thanks danny boy. Smile

Mokuan I take your blessing as very real. Excellent, now me and the meteors are blessed. How long does it last?

I now congratulate myself on responding to individual respondents for the first time.
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