OBC Connect
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OBC Connect

A site for those with an interest in the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, past or present, and related subjects.
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 The Forum's Purpose

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Posts : 1431
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 50

The Forum's Purpose Empty
PostSubject: The Forum's Purpose   The Forum's Purpose Empty11/8/2009, 9:22 pm

This forum is being created as an information-sharing site. We encourage you to use it to:

Stay in touch with each other;
Search for former members (laity & monks) with whom you may have lost touch; and
Discuss topics tied to Buddhism and especially your experiences with any training center in the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives.

What the forum is not

Some members who have had a negative exposure to Buddhism or the OBC may be looking for a self-help therapeutic type of forum based on unconditional acceptance and validation of their experiences. We can't offer that here, since the intention is to have an open atmosphere where members feel free to dissent, challenge each other and enter into lively (and courteous) debate. If you are looking for a forum that is more oriented toward a therapeutic model, please contact the Admin or a moderator for more information.
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