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 How long is a Conclave?

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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/7/2011, 4:54 pm

This is probably not the right place for this post but hey ho I can't find one that is! Just to show even more ignorance (see previous post I wrote) how long are the OBC Conclaves normally? I've just been looking at the Throssel site and noticed that there is going to be a 4 week long one there in September. That seems a long time to me and I wondered if it reflected the many difficulties the Order has been facing this year.........or maybe they are just always that long???
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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/8/2011, 2:16 pm

Hi Hisoka,

I don't know exactly how long they're supposed to be, but traditionally within the OBC they usually happen every ten years and last for two weeks. This is taking place because, as I read somewhere, the conclave last spring happened shortly after eko's leave-taking and much of the discussions revolved around that. No doubt this time they will get down to the usual business of discussing policies and procedures as well as the fallout from eko's stuff.

Hope that helps.
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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/9/2011, 10:38 am

I was able to ask Seikai and he said he following:

"The conclave will last a total of 15 days, 12 working days and 3 rest
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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/13/2011, 8:17 am

Thanks for the answers but what you say Isan is not what it says on the Throssel website. Under "Calendar" they have the Conclave running from Monday 5 Sept to Sunday 2 Oct (http://www.throssel.org.uk/calendar-date/2011-09). This is a total of 28 days, compared to the total of 15 days quoted by Isan/Seikai. Sorry if I'm being pedantic, and I don't suppose it really matters, but to have a Conclave that lasts nearly twice as long as usual only 18 months after the previous one does seem indicative of something "special". Could just be a mistake on the website but that would seem unlikely.
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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/13/2011, 10:29 am

Hisoka wrote:
Thanks for the answers but what you say Isan is not what it says on the Throssel website. Under "Calendar" they have the Conclave running from Monday 5 Sept to Sunday 2 Oct (http://www.throssel.org.uk/calendar-date/2011-09). This is a total of 28 days, compared to the total of 15 days quoted by Isan/Seikai. Sorry if I'm being pedantic, and I don't suppose it really matters, but to have a Conclave that lasts nearly twice as long as usual only 18 months after the previous one does seem indicative of something "special". Could just be a mistake on the website but that would seem unlikely.

I'll ask Seikai specifically about the Throssel calendar and see what he says. Maybe they just want some time off for visiting, or whatever? Smile
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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/13/2011, 11:27 am

Hi Hisoka,

It would certainly make sense and be prudent for the OBC to gather for an extended period of time. There's been such an upheaval within the community over the last year, they're wise to take their time trying to figure out what's not working and what it is and where do they go from here. I think it's a good sign.

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How long is a Conclave? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long is a Conclave?   How long is a Conclave? Empty7/16/2011, 11:53 am

mokuan wrote:
Hi Hisoka,

It would certainly make sense and be prudent for the OBC to gather for an extended period of time. There's been such an upheaval within the community over the last year, they're wise to take their time trying to figure out what's not working and what it is and where do they go from here. I think it's a good sign.


I absolutely agree that it is a good thing. In fact I brought it to the attention of the forum as a positive indication that things were going to be looked at in some depth. And Isan - I also agree that they probably need some "down-time" together as an OBC family outside the structure of a formal Conclave.
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