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 Peter Falk died

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 78
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Peter Falk died Empty
PostSubject: Peter Falk died   Peter Falk died Empty6/27/2011, 11:34 pm

American Actor Peter Falk died. You may remember him as the disshevelled detective in the TV series Columbo. We used to watch this program at the Roshi's house, sitting around on the floor, with the dog Sam wagging his tail vigorously, and futting in our faces.
We also watched Macmillan and wife, and McCleod (?). Those were the halcyon days for me - I never possessed a working TV set - we still don't. And watching those evening programs was really relaxing - the day was done, and we could just be ourselves. Sometimes we got a funny commentary from Bob (Bino) or someone.
And Roshi watched us...
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Peter Falk died Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peter Falk died   Peter Falk died Empty6/28/2011, 12:02 am

Ahhh...Ol'ga, I remember it well!

In addition to what you mention, and in league with Bino's hilarious comments, Mokurai would periodically quote from, and impersonate, the character Neddie Seagoon, and choice segments from the 1950's British radio comedy, The Goon Show (which I think was the precursor for Monty Python(?).
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Posts : 258
Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 78
Location : Toronto

Peter Falk died Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peter Falk died   Peter Falk died Empty6/28/2011, 9:45 pm

Yes, and Roshi sometimes refered to her brood as the Goon squad. I knew only vaguely what that was about.
And then we watched a cartoon - Bullwinkle? I couldn't figure out what the fuss was about.
And she got us onto marmite.
And her jiishas used to tickle her, and she hollered. It sounded just a tad bawdy.
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Posts : 265
Join date : 2010-08-29
Location : West Linn, Oregon

Peter Falk died Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peter Falk died   Peter Falk died Empty6/28/2011, 11:28 pm

I'm so glad that was out when I was a jiisha. Peter Falk died 59388
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Peter Falk died Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peter Falk died   Peter Falk died Empty

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