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 Update on the Singers

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Ann Trivelpiece

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-05-25
Location : Eastern Washington

Update on the Singers Empty
PostSubject: Update on the Singers   Update on the Singers Empty5/30/2011, 11:52 am

Someone asked about Shuyu and Gyozan Singer. I googled them and find they are at Univ California Santa Barbara, both involved in working with familes of developmentally challenged children at the Gervirtz Graduate School of Education. Great photos of them there ! Don't know about their kids, Jessie, Matt and Kenneth.

Kyujo Trivelpiece
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PostSubject: Re: Update on the Singers   Update on the Singers Empty5/30/2011, 2:41 pm

Ann Trivelpiece wrote:
Someone asked about Shuyu and Gyozan Singer. I googled them and find they are at Univ California Santa Barbara, both involved in working with familes of developmentally challenged children at the Gervirtz Graduate School of Education. Great photos of them there ! Don't know about their kids, Jessie, Matt and Kenneth.

Kyujo Trivelpiece

I knew Shuyu and Gyozan quite well. Thanks for the update on their whereabouts.
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Update on the Singers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Update on the Singers   Update on the Singers Empty6/6/2011, 11:34 pm

Thank you, Ann. The Singers were important people to me and my wife and our early formation in Zen practice. And they married us in 1973 ( see post at your introduction.) Last I saw George he was working with the Oregon Research Institute in development of programs for the Developmentally disabled. We encountered each other on a running trail in Eugene, and poor George was a little embarassed because there was a friend there running with him, and I'm sure he didn't want me calling him by his religious name or associating him with his monastic career.
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