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 Chisan Michael Hughes

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Join date : 2010-11-17

Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 11:58 am

I was born Michael Hughes,it seems so long ago that I can't remember the struggle of birth, or the difficulties I had in starting to walk, talk, and live my own life.

I was ready to take that step to living my own life,long before I was ready to, I became a beatnik, and rebelled against society,moved around France and played guitar to pay my way. I met artists and musicians. And as I survived on the French Riviera, had a deep realisation, that when a guy picks up a guitar and plays a little bit of Rock and roll, a lot of tone deaf and blind girls,pop out of nowhere. My life seemed to have direction.

My decitant days and lack of peace of mind, led me to Buddhism, I was very taken by the Thai tradition,and vipassina sitting,I did a solitary retreat, and walked and talked very slowly for a month afterwards. I walked and stumbled into a zen retreat in Gloucester where I first encountered a ruddy faced potter called Bill Picard, Bill was to become a life time friend, and someone I always respected. The retreat was run by Jiyu Kennett Roshi, I was taken by her, and thought she had a sense of righteousness about her,I believed she could help,my quest for peace.

During the retreat Bill experienced deep oneness of life, of the universe, simply because I did not know there was such a thing as the oneness of life it had a profound effect on me. After this experience the first words Bill spoke, were to me,he said' Keep going Mike you will make it'

It was a great pleasure and privilage for me, many years later, to spend time with Bill when he was dying. It was a difficult period, as there were family issues, Bill wanted to have a Buddhist influence when he died, it was important for him,we spoke of many things,My favorite time was when close to death Daiji Strathern phoned up, the three of us were together for one last time. I was the last person to communicate with Bill when he died, He called me the silent meditator, and I loved him till he died. I hope that if Gensho and Daiji wish to, they will write a comment regarding Bill's transmission ceremony to share with every reader,it is a story that after this period of time ought to be told.

Before that I was a loyal desciple of Kennett Roshi, I loved her too, For a beatnik I learnt unusual things from her, things like resolution, self belief and direction. She changed my name to Hofuku and that was who I was.

In 1976 my meditation was disturbed by Daiji leaving Shasta, after my enquiries, he told me stories, of change in direction of the order, Kennett Roshi, was experiencing the life of Bodhidarma, and St John of the cross, Eko was being Jesus, and all the other lives of Jesuses desciples were being relived as previous lives by other members of Shasta Abbey.They were experiencing mass visions,which they told me were deeply religious.People have been hurt over the years,and that is more painful than someone thinking they are someone else.

My meditations, were of dropping my decitant egotistical ways, so I did not want to walk down this high powered route, it was not for me so I left the order.

There were many people in the UK that felt confused, I did have a responsibility to help them, I encouraged different contact,with any teacher that I could. I made contact with Maezumi Roshi, sung sahn, groups connected to Walter Nowick, to see if they might click with people in Uk. The teaching styles and ways were not suitable for me I returned to simple sitting and practices with Bill.

After quite a few years, A japanese man phone me up out of the blue,He had heard about me in Japan, he wanted to come and see me, he had been a monk at Eiheji Temple. We formed a friendship, and he made an introduction for me to visit Ikko Narraski Roshi.

I went there to his temple as the first westerner to go. It was an incredible encounter, as we struggled to meet. There were things, deep things he could not understand. Like why I was there or who I was.The biggest problem seemed to be why it seemed so right that I was there,when no one like me had ever been there, and there I was kneeling on his mat. He changed my name to Chisan,gave me some new robes, and pointed out the important things in my life. there were many funny stories and here is a quick extract.

[ I had a phone call quite a few years ago.There was a Japanese man on the phone,' Can I come and visit you. He travelled 200 miles, I met him off the train, His name was Tanaka,he
had seen a book review I had done, of a book written by a friend of his. Tanaka worked as an English teacher in a Buddhist university,and had been a monk at Eiheiji for 3 years. He stayed with us for 2 days and we had a lot of fun together,laughing joking. Before he left I asked him if he could put me in touch with a true Japanese teacher. He queried if that was what I really wanted, but he said he knew of one.

He wrote to me on his return to Japan,simply to say thanks. I replied and reminded him, of my
desire to go to Japan. I felt this natural contact was meant to be. 2 weeks later he wrote again, saying I could visit the island of Shikoku and vist a temple called Zuoiji. The Abbot was a good teacher, he had been his teacher at Eiheiji.his name was Ikko Narasaki Roshi, it would perhaps be difficult,did I want to really go?

Within a month, I was being met at the very modern Narita airport, by Tanaka.We travelled through the train network of Tokyo,and then caught the bullit train to Nagoya,where Tanaka lived. I stayed the night there,and we were up early to continue our travel.We caught a boat over to the island, and at the other side, Tanaka said these noodles on this train station are famous throughout Japan, I did not fancy them, as I was thinking about what may lay ahead. 2 hours on the train and we arrived at Niihama.A taxi ride took us to the temple. We were taken to the guest room and welcomed by a monk, who asked if I wanted to stay, or just look around. I said I would stay,Tanaka left, feeling that he had fulfilled something deep inside himself, by bringing me from the other side of the world, to this temple.It was bed time, then up early,and zazen,service,breakfast in the zendo, eating formal style, with chop sticks and begging bowl. Then I was given a cloth and water bucket.And had to run up and down on the floor with my hands constanly touching the floor, in order to clean it. After that we had a formal tea ceremony, which was greeting the Abbot.

He formally welcomed me and asked why I was there, these morning get togethers , were funny,as we got to know each other, he would ask, what is it like in the west for Buddhism, and life, ' How were my knees, how were my blisters,( I went begging with the monks, and had to fit into their tiny straw shoes that would cut me. These were funny encounters and I gave as good as I got,They would have fun listening to how I was finding their food their ways, and they had to listen to my stories too, ' Have you been to the toilet yet' was a funny one. The monks loved it Ikko Roshi loved it.
After the chat,we knelt formally on our heels, it was agony,strecthed muscles, and a real stress position for me. When the talk was over we would stand and bow, I was usually left on the floor struggling to stand,and sometimes hoisted up either side so I could satand, It was tough.

After 2 days or so after arriving, I was in the zendo either shaving a monks head or having mine shaven, when 4 monks came in, in a bit of a hurry. They came over to me and said Michael san you do know that the whole temple is talking about you don,t you. 'No' I said 'I do
not' 'Even the Abbot, he is talking about you' 'We do not understand you, who you are, how you fit in, how much at home you are,We have never had a western person here before, but you seem like one of us when everything is different for you. We want to know if you are Hashimoto Roshi, the abbot has sent down a photo of Hashimoto Roshi for you to look at' 'Are you Hashimoto Roshi'? Quite firmly I said I was not Hashimoto Roshi ( There would have been lots of benefit in being Hashimoto Roshi who ever he was, but I was not. It ended there the specualation. Funny though the word Hashimoto had been in my head since the day I left Shasta, even though it had no meaning. Ikko Roshi after the war was told to run Zuoiji temple, feeling unable to do a good spiritual job, he asked one of the most renown teachers to come and be the teacher there whist he would still be the Abbot. Hashimoto Roshi, agreed on the condition, that a new zendo was built,according to the way that Dogen instructed a zendo to be built.

Hashimoto Roshi, was a follower of Dogens way and taught by teaching through monastic style of living. Hashimoto Roshi became the teacher, he died before I got there I do not know when. I told The Abbot,why I was there,and what I disagreed with in my previous Samga. I move on from my situation , and he would give me a correct robe in the correct way way. I spent the next week, in a room with 4 old women sewing a raksu,whilst they made a kesa for me.The women cackled as they showed me this special sewing stich,they laughed as it was so delicate, and difficult for me. Indeed Ikko Roshi did give me a correct robe in the correct way, he gave me a new name of Chisan, nothing else just Chisan. I got on well with the Abbott,he too got on well with me, there was very much mutual respect I repected his wisdom, he respected, my effort.Actually I am not too sure what I saw in him,and maybe he was not sure what he saw in me,it did not matter, there was a rare and unusual connection. One day I requested a formal meeting, I said. 'I feel this is good place for me, and you are a good teacher for me, I would like to be your desciple'
'Go to America he boomed', from some great depth. He caught me by surprise, it was like a gunfight at Ok Coral but his guns were drawn,and mine were still in the holsters. I fought back instantly ,' I am not going to America'I like it here. The interpreter seemed to disappear into
the paper walls. Go to America' ' I am not going there I have been there'I shouted back. The whole temple now was quiet, and then from his guts...'Go to Minnasota'
This time I disappeared into the paper wall, and came out the other side inside the departure lounge at Narita airport,I was given space which is unusual as Japanese sit in your pocket,
as there is no space.They must have known I had been in the masters room and had a mauling. Over in the far corner a group of old women were cackling away. 'Chisan san' they called, 'We hear of you, you are very funny , very funny. How are your blisters Chisan san, ha ha,we heard of you, You mistook the finger pointing at the moon for the moon itself, you so funny, have a nice journey,hope it is not to bumpy.
On my return to UK I had a lot to take in, I had to sort through what had transpired,what I had learnt, and evaluate the whole thing. Ikko Roshi, was a great spiritual person, and teacher,he had also served as the teacher or Godo Roshi at Eiheiji,It was time really for practicing the depth of sitting I felt there at Zuoiji, get my muscles a bit stretched, but look to myself for my strength. I practiced with some determination for about a year. Then wrote back
'I know it was tough me being the only westerner, and practicing in your Japanese temple, however, despite, the fact that you can not understand me, and I can not understand you,you
have helped me in my quest,to practice zazen and to find my heart. I would like to return to your temple, and sit with you all.

I had a reply

Thank you for your letter,which is full of your passion for zazen, we feel you sincerity in it. so we translated it into Japanese, which was read by Ikko Roshi. He said to us,'There is a man
who practices zazen alone in far away country. We must practice zazen more passionately in the country which is endowed with the tradition of Buddhism' Of course Ikko Roshi allows you to come to Zuoiji again,and we welcome you. You said there was a lot of difficulties,you can not
speak Japanese,and we can not speak English, it makes a big communication gap,but we are on the same road,which is led by Buddha, So we will be able to communicate, perhaps you may have
a confidence. If you receive this letter and finish the preparationof travel.please let us know the day of your arrival soon.You'll find many errors in this letter, please forgive us.We wait for yourletter. Bon Voyage

Sincerly One monk in Zuoiji

I made my return to Japan,and made my own way to the Temple.On my return every one who I knew, or was still there from before was pleased to see me. It was quite a natural, pleased to see me, not a 'I will ignore you,because I am more important'' Nobody had anything to prove,it was a unique atmosphere, that if you were there, it was because you wanted to, walk in the Buddhas footsteps, this we did together.It was simple if you did not want to walk in these footsteps, or learn how to,you were in the wrong place.

I was treated like I belonged there,no more nor no less than anyone else.
I was shown my own room and basically just joined in with everybody.Chopping logs,sweeping leaves,sitting zazen.The Abbot was pleased to see me, and we basically continued where we left off, I did not feel the need to ask anything of him,He never explained anything to me. I was happy to practice,and go with the strength, or Samarde of the collective meditation, that seemed to run through the temple,at all times.

A group of westerners came over, their teacher had died,and they needed a figure head, not a teacher,but a figure head. They felt that their understanding was sufficient, and they did not want to open up to anything more, which was fine. They kept away from everybody,only joining in with zazen and eating. I remember,one of their monks,dropped his begging bowl, on the floor of the zendo,which was not really the thing to do, the monk serving food,quickly picked it up,made no fuss, and carried on. The westerner,was horrified,I think they were all a bit nervous of being in a strange environment, which they did not like.

The westerners left the next day, with the whole temple waving goodbye, when the taxi went, we all turned around together, and carried on sweeping leaves. The Abbot looked at me,we both knew,we had a bond, I was a part of the temple, I was close to the Abbot.It was a funny relationship,he seemed,a high class priest, to have a pure practice, and I was covered in dust.
That night I had a formal visit to my room, a Japanese monk came in, he had a rounded face,and said ' Hi how you doing' in an American accent. I looked him and said 'I am fine'.

'Ikko Roshi, the Abbot, wants me to ask you if you are okay, he is concerned that you do not ask any questions ,you simply join in, in fact I have spent some time watching you and you fit in here just like us,you always turn up at the right place, on time,even though you may not know where to go, or what we are doing, it is very puzzling' He seemed concerned.

'Please tell Ikko Roshi, not to be worried' I said. 'I am fine, I am following the practice and am okay, This temple, is good for me, the Abbott is special'

'Yes he is, his style of teaching is very gentle, but every present'

The monk had been sent to San Francisco, and had clearly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, Ikko Roshi, had recently called him back, and he was a loyal, follower right up until the Abbot died,the monk now runs a temple, in Australia, he would be very low key, and never feel, he was more important than anyone else. He also told me to pack my bag, and move into the zendo for a deeper period of practice.

Living in the zendo , was like 24 hour meditation, even when one slept, the zafu was the pillow,I think we had one blanket, in the morning it was a quick wash, and back, sitting on the zafu.

Basically my meditation, developed, I learnt that unifying body and mind or allowing body and mind to unify, was the road to zazen, zazen is just done, rather that I will do zazen, when one sits the ego is allowed to drop away.

There was a beautiful ceremony that Ikko roshi did,every time he left or came back to the temple. He would enter the temple, and bow to everyone, then still bowing he would walk passed each person, who in turn would bow when he passed,it was a sincere act of humility repect and love. When I left the temple to return to the Uk Ikko roshi told me to do the same ceremony, I did too,ending up at the altar and bowing to the Abbot. As I walked around the zendo, My mind dropped away,all my past karma,and indeed my past,disappeared. I was unborn, I could be the present,without my karma forming me, and having me act in any particular way. I had experienced a unity of body and mind before ,this was an experience of Now. I was free to take my next step, without interference from my self. I also had a great sense of purpose, and direction, Perhaps surprisingly, this experienced of Now bonded me deeply with Ikko roshi the Abbot.Not sure why it did that but it did
Anyone who wants to practice the journey to our hearts,has to really experience the present moment, is what we have, and who we are.]

Ikko Roshi was asked to be the vice Abbot of Eiheiji, he did not want the position, and hid in a small temple. but a messenger from Eiheiji was sent to find him, he was given the written instructions, and because of the culture, he went. He died of lukemia,and later I read somewhere that he was regarded in Japan, as one of the great teachers of the last century. I would not know,for me he was for sure,for me there have been times when I would like to have forgotten him and so many other things too,but I can not, my heart was stirred and moved,my life always seems not quite right, unless I try to do do the right practice in the right way.

My life over the past few years has been difficult as I have brought up 3 children on my own, I have led a quiet life, and practiced zazen on my own, and also with a few loyal friends. I live in an area known as the badlands, that is full of decitant people,surfers, musicians ,and crawlbacks.There is a beach bar called the Blue bar,one of my friends from there was killed by the Bali bomb, I wrote a song called Blue Bali, I dragged some school kids outta school,recorded it in an hour with fiends, we played live and were filmed by the BBc and ITV from the recording studio, The song comforted a lot of relatives, and friends. I was woken up in the middle of the night by a radio show in Australia, to talk about it. The CD sold well and It raised a lot of money,which was handled by someone else, and was spent wisely and did a lot of good for many people.The television coverage, prompted a call to play the song on the beach, as a concert with other bands joining in too. The attention went overboard, eventually the police and county Council, came to see me, and said they estimated between 100,000,and 150,000, people would come to the little village,and it could cause problems, that could overshadow the positivity that people felt. I did not really want to call it off. Ray my friend's father, wanted to sing along and play his guitar. The kids that sang on the recording wanted to sing, I told them they had achieved so much, and to call off a performance under those circumstances was something to be proud of. I went back on TV and said we will call the concert off for safety reasons. I formed a bond with the kids and musicians and a lot of other people during the sad time.I play lead guitar and here is the song Blue Bali for Marc Gajardo, all the people who died in the Sari club,and any one here, who has felt the sadness of loosing someone close.(It is my daughter lowenna's website click track 1)


My life has twisted and turned,and what seemed important does not after time, I want to build a zendo on the cliffs, to remember one or two people, sit on my own, visit Ikko Roshis Grave and visit his heirs in Australia. They are peculiar things,perhaps stupid things, to want to do,and I do not know why I want to do them.Ikko Roshi called me the man that sat on his own,and after living a life of dusty crossroads, that is really what I want to do.I am pleased to have renewed friendships on the forum, made new friends , and have had to put some money in the swear box, for using a few banned words, I will send the contents of my considerable swear box over to Lise, surface rate, for her to share out with you all, it will be enough at least to phone me transatlantic and tell me of your huge kenshos. I hope to meet up with Gensho again, I have had good correspondence with him, and he is someone I have always respected.I hope Rev Mein heels wounds,and helps people with any truama that has occured ,remember Buddhism is the gentle way,the compassionate way.It is what attracted us in the first place.

Ikko Roshi gave me a beautiful message of love,and dignity , because of my decitant life and karma, I do not expect to make it to heaven, not this time, I hope to find peace of mind,and live a decent life. Maybe if any of my friends here, are passing, they will call in, perhaps sit with me on the cliffs for a while, or maybe dance there on the very edge as the sun sets, and watch our karma and individual lives float away in the sea breeze.

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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 12:54 pm

Thanks, Chisan, interesting stuff. While I was reading, I found myself wondering about your wife (ex-wife?) Kyosei (Karen). What happened to her? Do your know where she is now? Or did I skim too much and miss anything about her in your post? I have fond memories of staying with you both at the London Zen Priory, way back when.
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 1:04 pm

Purely out of respect for Karen I have not mentioned her,she is a great person great mother,
no problems no issues, purely respect
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 1:34 pm

Hello Chisan

Great life story!

If I find myself outside your zendo door "on cliff's edge" , we should chat about this "I" with the restricted heaven Visa, over tea, a scone or a zafu.

Many years ago I was accosted by a very enthusiastic Asian Christian missionary on the street as I was about to put my work tools into my truck. She asked me out of the blue If I was interested in going to heaven. I started laughing and explained how funny it was for me, a Caucasian Buddhist, to be asked by an Asian Christian about heaven. She smiled also seeing the incongruous juxtaposition of the exchange but persevered by asking if I believed in Heaven. I assured her that I did but as a Zen Buddhist, it wasn't considered a very helpful place to hang out in.

Thanks for sharing your heart & adventure.

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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 2:05 pm

Yes that may well be the issue Howard.
It would be a great chat,I look forward to it
Afternoon tea, would suit me,
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 4:48 pm

Chisan, thanks so much for sharing your incredible story.
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 5:04 pm

Incredible story Laura
I am now starting the rest of my life,there will undoubtably be some thrills and spills, stick around and catch the next bit with me,I have a large box of reading glasses (thick lens) for all readers in time to come,
When I remember where I put them, I will send them over pony express for distribution
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/30/2011, 10:22 pm


Incredible story, for sure, and if I may offer a little grandmotherly advice, since I am at least a decade or so ahead of you, as time progresses it is useful to always reserve a part of your day for the search of those glasses, as well as keys. For the glasses, always feel on top of your head first, since they are likely to be there from the last time you needed to use them, and the keys, pockets, door, car , in that order. Even though this may be totally useless and frivolous advice now it may come in handy at some crucial moment as you advance to the Golden Years! ( mindful people do tend to lose their minds eventually, one way or the other).

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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty1/31/2011, 2:22 am

Yes we clearly have visited the same place
and from the golden years we may afford some time for self reflection,pick out a few high lights,
having children certainly for both of us,i will never know what it is like to have a baby grow inside me, it must be a special bond. I brought one up from a baby,bottle feeding, it sort of brought something maternal out in me.
you lost you husband early that must have been a time and bringing your daughters up on your own.
And what about relevancy and meaning, did we fall for it brigitte and have someone elses meaning forced on us and weakly grin,or did we want our own
I keep walking past the door with the big sign on , for those that struggle visually ,
The sign says The Golden Years , I always pretend I can't see it,someone else lives there
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/4/2011, 11:24 pm

Hello Chisan. That was Jiyu Kennett's teacher's name, by the way. I remember you and Karen from your rather brief stay at Shasta. Difficult times. I'm glad you're well.

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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/5/2011, 4:30 pm

yes I was aware of the name of Jiyu kennetts teacher,When my name was discussed or I was told about it before formally being given it,surprisingly I did try and seek an alternative,,not out of disrepect I must say. And as you are aware I as given the name Chisan I have no idea what the name means in English either.
You say, difficult times, all circumstances I believe are excellent,for practicing Buddhism
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/5/2011, 8:08 pm

Thank you, Michael, for telling your story. I love the music too! You are a true teacher.
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/6/2011, 4:46 am

Thanks very much again for your kind words, , The nice thing about playing music,is we helped raise quite a bit of money from Aids foundations,to surf clubs, I am most probably not doing any more now.
The teacher bit ooh,very kind for you to say that. Surprisingly maybe, I say no, and definitly not for me. There are 2 explanations
1 I am not
2 I have not come from that tradition,I will explain The 2 big influences for me were Bill Picard , and Ikko Roshi. Bill who was a Dharma Heir to kennett roshi,was the most non Buddhist Buddhist I have ever met he could stand no formality , or religious trapping whatsoever. He was never taken in by the retoric of people being teachers,empty words of people who had not seen beyond their own duality,I had known Bill quietly for 40 years, his natural way of being and sitting,real direction rubs off. His story is unique,and shows a way of non conformity,spritual experience , outside of religious form. I promosed 4 years ago when he was dying to tell his story, Hopefully soon I will release it. The important thing personally, is the writing of it helps my own meditation. I hope that Genshho or Mark do relate the story of his transmission,for it will highlight that we are not against Kenntt Roshi, we say the direction changed at a certain point,and we did what our hearts told us to do.

Bill would say Right here right now show me your mind and the universe is void.

One of the problems you and I have seen is this very teacher trap, I mean, who is it that is teaching what. Everyone wants to be Mr or Mrs Big,everyone wants a dualistic zen life

Ikko Roshi was a surprise to me, in many different ways,I was surprised by how he could be so gentle,and also so strict at the same time. His talks in the zendo were either a quick, WAKE UP or an inspiration deep talk about the wonders of deep zazen,they were the best lectures I have ever heard, and I can not speak or understand Japanese.
And despite the fact that he was renown for this exact very traditional life style of practice,he would constantly break the rules to help me, as he was not bound by them. He was not fooled either by religious trappings , and words Understanding or realisation for him were personally outside the scriptures.The words that seemed to burst of out of him into me were no title no rank. In other words we are all capable of understanding..realizing what we are actually trying so hard to find,right here right now, we do not have to be someone else in some other country in some other situation. Our hearts are no where else and we can be at one. This non reliant practice,is very tough but very true

All beings are Buddhas it is like water and ice

So I apologise for a big speech, my way, after leading quite a battered life, is sit on my own

I did a little tester last week on a website that I am doing to tell Bills and Ikko roshis story,in one day the site had 350 hits...I find that worrying actually the site is not available I hasten to say. My first reaction actually was to tell mark Strathern and Gensho,because I am concerned that it could be very well read, and with that come repacussions I trust Mark and Gensho to give me some good advice about it.

My love to you and Amalia and I will shake my fist if you talk like that again!
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/6/2011, 8:28 am

Michael , well , good and good and good ,just that ,completely encouraging ,
thank you Nicky l
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/6/2011, 2:31 pm

Good one Nicky,it will be good to see you sometime,meet up say hello,in the meantime my love to you and Johnny. Take care of him, and of course yourself
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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/6/2011, 3:32 pm

Hello Chisan

I know a Buddhist with a very simple practise who lets his Zazen be the ceremony, incense, robes, offertories, scriptures. recitations, alter and bows. I'm not even sure why he calls himself Buddhist but I think he would of liked to have met your friend Bill.

I think a book about Bill's life & practise would be a wonderful alternative to some popular paths that seem more mired in Buddhist artifice than practise. Best of success in that endeavour. I have a book publishing contact that might be of help, if you need it when the time comes.

Oh, and sorry Chisan...You can't point at the moon, and not be a teacher at that moment.

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Chisan Michael Hughes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty2/6/2011, 5:37 pm

Your friend has a good practice Howard, I am sure it works well for him.
I may well ask your advice on book publishers and thank you.

I visited my mum today,and she was having a tough day,not remembering anything, but trying to hang in a bit. I told her I write to a friend in Vancouver ( you) and he told me that the old farms in White Rock, were now glitzy houses. You know she picked up.and started telling me about the well she had outside the ranch,called the winter well, and ths summer well was in the dip a bit further away. We had a good session on Vancouver,she remembered it all so clearly.
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PostSubject: Re: Chisan Michael Hughes   Chisan Michael Hughes Empty

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