Reply All is an excellent podcast that is focused on issues that relate to the web, digital culture, and so on. This episode is about doubt in the Mormon church and the role that the internet played. Truly terrific and worth listening to this story until the end... major insight about becoming a spiritual adult. As we know and as I've noted, No, Shasta / Kennett were not as egregious as Joseph Smith and his cult or Scientology, but the dynamics are similar and this is another mirror. And how the Mormons treat those who leave, those who question - same cultic behavior went on with Kennett.
FYI - you can listen to podcasts on the web - you can also subscribe through a podcast app on your phone.... i have linked to some podcasts in the past. Some good ones to check out - Buddhist Geeks, The Secular Buddhist, Meditate This, The Moth, This American Life, Invisibilia, the One You Feed, On Being, Reply All, Wisdom, Heart Wisdom with Jack Kornfield, and there are probably so many others... go exploring