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 Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year

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Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty
PostSubject: Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year   Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty12/23/2015, 11:44 am

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year 2015-04-07-Nagoya-G11

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year 2015-04-08-Gifu-G011

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Facebook-april16-01

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year 2015-04-11-Tokyo-N01
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Age : 73
Location : New York, NY

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year   Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty12/23/2015, 11:58 am



At Soji-ji:  http://tibet.net/2015/04/his-holiness-the-dalai-lama-gives-a-public-talk-at-souji-temple/
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Join date : 2010-11-13
Age : 73
Location : New York, NY

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year   Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty12/24/2015, 10:20 am

to state the obvious, is there a single woman in these photos?  I don't think so.  Many lay women in the audience at the Dalai Lama's talk, some of whom asked questions, but leadership - has anything changed in the centuries?
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Posts : 1640
Join date : 2010-11-17

Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year   Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty12/24/2015, 10:31 am

Fair point Josh 
Someone sent me a cartoon today of the 3 wise men the first one to greet Jesus ran back to the others to exclaim 'Its a girl!' you may be pleased to know I laughed and thought of you straight away!! Our assumptions always need a shake up and it is amazing that the masses simply follow medieval interpretations  explanations and beliefs
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PostSubject: Re: Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year   Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year Empty

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Dalai Lama visits Soto Zen priests and temples in Japan - from earlier this year
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