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 New books coming out soon - details on amazon.com

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Join date : 2010-11-13
Age : 73
Location : New York, NY

New books coming out soon - details on amazon.com Empty
PostSubject: New books coming out soon - details on amazon.com   New books coming out soon - details on amazon.com Empty5/6/2015, 11:35 pm

Altruism: the Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World by Matthieu Ricard 

A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to be Compassionate can Transform our Lives by Thupten Jinpa

Make me One with Everything: Buddhist Meditations to Awaken from the Illusion of Separation by Lama Surya Das

A Force for Good: the Dalai Lama's Vision for our World by Daniel Goleman

The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford
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New books coming out soon - details on amazon.com
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