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 Aha Zen in Las Vegas

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Join date : 2010-11-17

Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Aha Zen in Las Vegas   Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty4/27/2015, 3:35 am

The Melbourne Zen group related to Antiji Temple likes to sit in public places, I believe this is related to them.
How do you feel about it guys

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Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aha Zen in Las Vegas   Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty4/27/2015, 8:48 am

chisanmichaelhughes wrote:
The Melbourne Zen group related to Antiji Temple likes to sit in public places, I believe this is related to them.
How do you feel about it guys


I have no problem with people doing zazen in public if that's their choice, but in this instance I wouldn't want to be exposed to the car exhaust.
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Age : 69
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Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aha Zen in Las Vegas   Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty4/27/2015, 12:22 pm

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Posts : 1640
Join date : 2010-11-17

Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aha Zen in Las Vegas   Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty4/28/2015, 2:25 am

Thank you for the response. I dont know many people in Australia but the ones I do know practice zen, so I think everyone there is a Zen Buddhist! There are different groups and different styles. The Melbourne Zen group seem to like sitting all over the place! shop windows and public places it is not for me but you guys did not reject it so we are all happy.
No Worries Mate
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PostSubject: Re: Aha Zen in Las Vegas   Aha Zen in Las Vegas Empty

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