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 East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran

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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty1/26/2015, 10:58 pm

Josh, I hope you and yours are in a cozy spot from which you can watch the snow pile up.  Give us an eye-witness report from Manhattan when you can -

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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty1/27/2015, 9:55 am

Lise wrote:
Josh, I hope you and yours are in a cozy spot from which you can watch the snow pile up.  Give us an eye-witness report from Manhattan when you can

Blizzard Apocalypse! :-)  Fortunately NYC wasn't hit as hard as expected and the travel ban has been lifted.  Eagerly awaiting Josh's eye witness news report.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty1/27/2015, 3:09 pm

Maybe he's out in Central Park, sledding funny  I know I would be.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty2/2/2015, 11:31 pm

So much for the apocalypse. It didn't hit New York after all! Now we know how the 7th Day Adventists must feel when the world hasn't ended as predicted -- yet, anyway.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty2/2/2015, 11:54 pm

cold, icy, but pretty standard for Jan / Feb... Park Avenue quieter tonight.  likely very icy streets and sidewalks tomorrow, so one must walk with full attention. snow no more at least for now.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty2/5/2015, 7:44 pm

My daughter takes the Metro North - Harlem line. Valhala is two stops from Pleasantville. Fortunately, she was on the train before the one that crashed. I'm shocked at the whole event and sad at the death of the  commuters and the driver of the vehicle.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
PostSubject: Re: East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran   East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty2/13/2015, 10:37 pm

Carol, me too, this story just stays with me and I can't imagine the fallout from it, for all the families.

I always think train travel is safe because trains can't fall out of the sky, but they aren't that safe. Like cars, I guess, and anything else.

I hope all is well with your daughter and that she likes New York. It's a different world, isn't it.
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East Coast blizzard apocalypse / status check on Mr. Baran Empty
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